pluginmanager module


RepoPlugin is mostly read-only, however you can install/uninstall enable/disable plugins.


Repository is a read-only class.


RepositoryManager Keeps track of all the repositories and keeps the enabled_plugins.json file coherent with the plugins that are installed/uninstalled enabled/disabled

class RepoPlugin(handle: LP_BNRepoPlugin)[source]

Bases: object

RepoPlugin is mostly read-only, however you can install/uninstall enable/disable plugins. RepoPlugins are created by parsing the plugins.json in a plugin repository.


handle (LP_BNRepoPlugin) –

enable(force: bool = False) bool[source]

Enable this plugin, optionally trying to force it. Force loading a plugin with ignore platform and api constraints. (e.g. The plugin author says the plugin will only work on Linux but you’d like to attempt to load it on macOS)


force (bool) –

Return type:


install() bool[source]

Attempt to install the given plugin

Return type:


install_dependencies() bool[source]
Return type:


uninstall() bool[source]

Attempt to uninstall the given plugin

Return type:


property api: List[str]

String indicating the API used by the plugin

property author: str | None

String of the plugin author

property author_url: str | None

String URL of the plugin author’s url

property being_deleted: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin is being deleted

property being_updated: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin is being updated

property delete_pending: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin will be deleted after the next restart

property dependencies: str

Dependencies required for installing this plugin

property dependencies_being_installed: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin’s dependencies are currently being installed

property description: str | None

String short description of the plugin

property disable_pending: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin will be disabled after the next restart

property enabled: bool

Boolean True if the plugin is currently enabled, False otherwise

property install_platforms: List[str]

List of platforms this plugin can execute on

property installed: bool

Boolean True if the plugin is installed, False otherwise

property last_update: date

Returns a datetime object representing the plugins last update

property license_text: str | None

String complete license text for the given plugin

property long_description: str | None

String long description of the plugin

property maximum_version_info: CoreVersionInfo

Maximum version info the plugin will support


Minimum version the plugin was tested on

Deprecated since version 4.0.5366: Use minimum_version_info instead.

property minimum_version_info: CoreVersionInfo

Minimum version info the plugin was tested on

property name: str

String name of the plugin

property package_url: str | None

String URL of the plugin’s zip file

property path: str

Relative path from the base of the repository to the actual plugin

property plugin_types: List[PluginType]

List of PluginType enumeration objects indicating the plugin type(s)

property project_data: Dict

Gets a json object of the project data field

property project_url: str | None

String URL of the plugin’s git repository

property running: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin is currently running

property subdir: str

Optional sub-directory the plugin code lives in as a relative path from the plugin root

property update_available: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin has updates available

property update_pending: bool

Boolean status indicating that the plugin has updates will be installed after the next restart

property version: str | None

String version of the plugin

class Repository(handle: LP_BNRepository)[source]

Bases: object

Repository is a read-only class. Use RepositoryManager to Enable/Disable/Install/Uninstall plugins.


handle (LP_BNRepository) –

property full_path: str

String full path the repository

property path: str

String local path to store the given plugin repository

property plugins: List[RepoPlugin]

List of RepoPlugin objects contained within this repository

property url: str

String URL of the git repository where the plugin repository’s are stored

class RepositoryManager[source]

Bases: object

RepositoryManager Keeps track of all the repositories and keeps the enabled_plugins.json file coherent with the plugins that are installed/uninstalled enabled/disabled

add_repository(url: str | None = None, repopath: str | None = None) bool[source]

add_repository adds a new plugin repository for the manager to track.

To remove a repository, restart Binary Ninja (and don’t re-add the repository!). File artifacts will remain on disk under repositories/ file in the User Folder.

Before you can query plugin metadata from a repository, you need to call check_for_updates.

  • url (str) – URL to the plugins.json containing the records for this repository

  • repopath (str) – path to where the repository will be stored on disk locally


Boolean value True if the repository was successfully added, False otherwise.

Return type:


>>> mgr = RepositoryManager()
>>> mgr.add_repository("", "community")
>>> mgr.check_for_updates()
check_for_updates() bool[source]

Check for updates for all managed Repository objects

Return type:


property default_repository: Repository

Gets the default Repository

property plugins: Dict[str, List[RepoPlugin]]

List of all RepoPlugins in each repository

property repositories: List[Repository]

List of Repository objects being managed