flowgraph module


binaryninja.flowgraph.EdgeStyle([style, ...])


class FlowGraph implements a directed flow graph to be shown in the UI.




binaryninja.flowgraph.FlowGraphNode([graph, ...])

class CoreFlowGraph(handle)[source]

Bases: FlowGraph


update can be overridden by subclasses to allow a graph to be updated after it has been presented in the UI. This will automatically occur if the function referenced by the function property has been updated.

Return a new FlowGraph object with the new information if updates are desired. If the graph does not need updating, None can be returned to leave the graph in its current state.


Updated graph, or None

Return type:


class EdgeStyle(style: EdgePenStyle | None = None, width: int | None = None, theme_color: ThemeColor | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

static from_core_struct(edge_style)[source]
class FlowGraph(handle: LP_BNCustomFlowGraph | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

class FlowGraph implements a directed flow graph to be shown in the UI. This class allows plugins to create custom flow graphs and render them in the UI using the flow graph report API.

An example of creating a flow graph and presenting it in the UI:

>>> graph = FlowGraph()
>>> node_a = FlowGraphNode(graph)
>>> node_a.lines = ["Node A"]
>>> node_b = FlowGraphNode(graph)
>>> node_b.lines = ["Node B"]
>>> node_c = FlowGraphNode(graph)
>>> node_c.lines = ["Node C"]
>>> graph.append(node_a)
>>> graph.append(node_b)
>>> graph.append(node_c)
>>> edge = EdgeStyle(EdgePenStyle.DashDotDotLine, 2, ThemeColor.AddressColor)
>>> node_a.add_outgoing_edge(BranchType.UserDefinedBranch, node_b, edge)
>>> node_a.add_outgoing_edge(BranchType.UnconditionalBranch, node_c)
>>> show_graph_report("Custom Graph", graph)


In the current implementation, only graphs that have a single start node where all other nodes are reachable from outgoing edges can be rendered correctly. This describes the natural limitations of a control flow graph, which is what the rendering logic was designed for. Graphs that have nodes that are only reachable from incoming edges, or graphs that have disjoint subgraphs will not render correctly. This will be fixed in a future version.


handle (LP_BNCustomFlowGraph | None) –


append adds a node to a flow graph.


node (FlowGraphNode) – Node to add


Index of node

Return type:



complete_layout can be overridden by subclasses and is called when a graph layout is completed.


finish_prepare_for_layout signals that preparations for rendering a graph are complete. This method should only be called by a prepare_for_layout reimplementation.

get_nodes_in_region(left, top, right, bottom)[source]

layout starts rendering a graph for display. Once a layout is complete, each node will contain coordinates and extents that can be used to render a graph with minimum additional computation. This function does not wait for the graph to be ready to display, but a callback can be provided to signal when the graph is ready.


callback (callback) – Function to be called when the graph is ready to display


Pending flow graph layout request object

Return type:



layout_and_wait starts rendering a graph for display, and waits for the graph to be ready to display. After this function returns, each node will contain coordinates and extents that can be used to render a graph with minimum additional computation.

Do not use this API on the UI thread (use layout with a callback instead).


populate_nodes can be overridden by subclasses to create nodes in a graph when a flow graph needs to be rendered. This will happen on a worker thread and will not block the UI.


prepare_for_layout can be overridden by subclasses to handling preparations that must take place before a flow graph is rendered, such as waiting for a function to finish analysis. If this function is overridden, the finish_prepare_for_layout method must be called once preparations are completed.

set_option(option, value=True)[source]

show displays the graph in a new tab in the UI.


title (str) – Title to show in the new tab


update can be overridden by subclasses to allow a graph to be updated after it has been presented in the UI. This will automatically occur if the function referenced by the function property has been updated.

Return a new FlowGraph object with the new information if updates are desired. If the graph does not need updating, None can be returned to leave the graph in its current state.


Updated graph, or None

Return type:


property allows_inline_instruction_editing

Set if flow graph should allow inline instruction editing (assembly only)

property allows_patching

Set if flow graph should allow modification of code from within the graph view

property complete

Whether flow graph layout is complete (read-only)

property function

Function for a flow graph

property has_nodes

Whether the flow graph has at least one node (read-only)

property height

Flow graph height

property horizontal_block_margin
property il_function
property includes_user_comments

Set if flow graph includes comments made by the user

property is_addressable

Set if flow graph should make use of address information

property is_high_level_il
property is_il
property is_low_level_il
property is_medium_level_il
property is_workflow_graph

Set if flow graph should be treated as a workflow graph

property nodes

List of nodes in graph (read-only)

property shows_secondary_reg_highlighting

Set if flow graph should highlight associated registers in the UI

property uses_block_highlights

Set if flow graph uses the standard basic block highlighting settings

property uses_instruction_highlights

Set if flow graph uses the standard instruction highlighting settings

property vertical_block_margin
property view

Binary view for a flow graph

property width

Flow graph width

class FlowGraphEdge(branch_type, source, target, points, back_edge, style)[source]

Bases: object

class FlowGraphLayout(handle: BNCustomFlowGraphLayout | None = None)[source]

Bases: object


handle (BNCustomFlowGraphLayout | None) –

layout(graph: FlowGraph, nodes: List[FlowGraphNode]) bool[source]
Return type:


register(name: str)[source]

Register a custom layout with the API


name (str) –

class FlowGraphLayoutRequest(graph, callback=None)[source]

Bases: object

property complete

Whether flow graph layout is complete (read-only)

property graph

Flow graph that is being processed (read-only)

class FlowGraphNode(graph=None, handle=None)[source]

Bases: object

add_outgoing_edge(edge_type, target, style=None)[source]

add_outgoing_edge connects two flow graph nodes with an edge.

  • edge_type (BranchType) – Type of edge to add

  • target (FlowGraphNode) – Target node object

  • style (EdgeStyle) – (optional) Styling for graph edge Branch Type must be set to UserDefinedBranch

set_outgoing_edge_points(edge_num: int, points: List[Tuple[float, float]])[source]
set_visibility_region(x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int)[source]
property basic_block

Basic block associated with this part of the flow graph (well not automatically cause the node to render as a native basic block)

property graph
property height

Flow graph block height (read-only)

property highlight

Gets or sets the highlight color for the node

>>> g = FlowGraph()
>>> node = FlowGraphNode(g)
>>> node.highlight = HighlightStandardColor.BlueHighlightColor
>>> node.highlight
<color: blue>
property incoming_edges

Flow graph block list of incoming edges (read-only)

property lines

Flow graph block list of text lines

property outgoing_edges: List[FlowGraphEdge]

Flow graph block list of outgoing edges (read-only)

property width

Flow graph block width (read-only)

property x

Flow graph block X

property y

Flow graph block Y