basicblock module

binaryninja.basicblock.BasicBlock(handle[, view])

The class BasicBlock object is returned during analysis and should not be directly instantiated.

binaryninja.basicblock.BasicBlockEdge(type, ...)

class BasicBlockEdge represents the edges that connect basic blocks in graph view.

class BasicBlock(handle: LP_BNBasicBlock, view: BinaryView | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

The class BasicBlock object is returned during analysis and should not be directly instantiated.

Basic blocks contain a sequence of instructions that must execute in-order with no branches. We include calls in basic blocks, which technically violates that assumption, but you can mark functions as func.can_return = False if a given function should terminate basic blocks. :Example:

>>> for func in bv.functions:
>>>   for bb in func:
>>>     # Any block-based analysis could start here
>>>     for inst in bb:
>>>       pass # Optionally do something here with instructions
  • handle (LP_BNBasicBlock) –

  • view (BinaryView | None) –

get_disassembly_text(settings: DisassemblySettings | None = None) List[DisassemblyTextLine][source]

get_disassembly_text returns a list of DisassemblyTextLine objects for the current basic block.


settings (DisassemblySettings) – (optional) DisassemblySettings object

>>> current_basic_block.get_disassembly_text()
[<0x100000f30: _main:>, <0x100000f30: push    rbp>, ... ]
Return type:


get_instruction_containing_address(addr: int) Tuple[bool, int][source]

addr (int) –

Return type:

Tuple[bool, int]

get_iterated_dominance_frontier(blocks: List[BasicBlock]) List[BasicBlock][source]

Calculates the iterated dominance frontier of the given blocks (this is used to determine φ node placement)


blocks (List[BasicBlock]) –

Return type:


mark_recent_use() None[source]
Return type:


set_auto_highlight(color: HighlightColor) None[source]

set_auto_highlight highlights the current BasicBlock with the supplied color.


Use only in analysis plugins. Do not use in regular plugins, as colors won’t be saved to the database.

  • color (HighlightColor) – Color value to use for highlighting

  • color

Return type:


set_user_highlight(color: HighlightColor) None[source]

set_user_highlight highlights the current BasicBlock with the supplied color

  • color (HighlightColor) – Color value to use for highlighting

  • color

>>> current_basic_block.set_user_highlight(_highlight.HighlightColor(red=0xff, blue=0xff, green=0))
>>> current_basic_block.set_user_highlight(HighlightStandardColor.BlueHighlightColor)
Return type:


property annotations: List[List[InstructionTextToken]]

List of automatic annotations for the start of this block (read-only)

property arch: Architecture

Basic block architecture (read-only)

property can_exit: bool

Whether basic block can return or is tagged as ‘No Return’ (read-only)

property disassembly_text: List[DisassemblyTextLine]

disassembly_text property which returns a list of function.DisassemblyTextLine objects for the current basic block.

>>> current_basic_block.disassembly_text
[<0x100000f30: _main:>, ...]
property dominance_frontier: List[BasicBlock]

Dominance frontier for this basic block (read-only)

property dominator_tree_children: List[BasicBlock]

List of child blocks in the dominator tree for this basic block (read-only)

property dominators: List[BasicBlock]

List of dominators for this basic block (read-only)

property end: int

Basic block end (read-only)

property function: Function | None

Basic block function (read-only)

property function_graph_type: FunctionGraphType

Type of function graph from which this block represents instructions

property has_invalid_instructions: bool

Whether basic block has any invalid instructions (read-only)

property has_undetermined_outgoing_edges: bool

Whether basic block has undetermined outgoing edges (read-only)

property highlight: HighlightColor

Gets or sets the highlight color for basic block

>>> current_basic_block.highlight = HighlightStandardColor.BlueHighlightColor
>>> current_basic_block.highlight
<color: blue>
property il_function: _function.ILFunctionType | None

IL Function of which this block is a part, if the block is part of an IL Function.

property il_function_if_available: _function.ILFunctionType | None

IL Function of which this block is a part, if the block is part of an IL Function, and if the function has generated IL already.

property immediate_dominator: BasicBlock | None

Immediate dominator of this basic block (read-only)

property immediate_post_dominator: BasicBlock | None

Immediate dominator of this basic block (read-only)

property incoming_edges: List[BasicBlockEdge]

List of basic block incoming edges (read-only)

property index: int

Basic block index in list of blocks for the function (read-only)

property instruction_count: int
property is_high_level_il: bool

Whether the basic block contains High Level IL

property is_il: bool

Whether the basic block contains IL

property is_low_level_il: bool

Whether the basic block contains Low Level IL

property is_medium_level_il: bool

Whether the basic block contains Medium Level IL

property length: int

Basic block length (read-only)

property outgoing_edges: List[BasicBlockEdge]

List of basic block outgoing edges (read-only)

property post_dominance_frontier: List[BasicBlock]

Post dominance frontier for this basic block (read-only)

property post_dominator_tree_children: List[BasicBlock]

List of child blocks in the post dominator tree for this basic block (read-only)

property post_dominators: List[BasicBlock]

List of dominators for this basic block (read-only)

property source_block: BasicBlock | None

The corresponding assembly-level basic block for this basic block (read-only)

property start: int

Basic block start (read-only)

property strict_dominators: List[BasicBlock]

List of strict dominators for this basic block (read-only)

property view: BinaryView | None

BinaryView that contains the basic block (read-only)

class BasicBlockEdge(type: BranchType, source: BasicBlock, target: BasicBlock, back_edge: bool, fall_through: bool)[source]

Bases: object

class BasicBlockEdge represents the edges that connect basic blocks in graph view.

  • type – The enums.BranchType of the edge; Whether the edge is a true branch, false branch, unconditional, etc.

  • source – The basic block that the edge originates from.

  • target – The basic block that the edge is going to.

  • backedge – Whether this edge targets to a node whose control flow can eventually flow back through the source node of this edge.


>>> current_basic_block.outgoing_edges
[<TrueBranch: x86_64@0x6>, <FalseBranch: x86_64@0x1f>]
back_edge: bool
fall_through: bool
source: BasicBlock
target: BasicBlock
type: BranchType