Source code for binaryninja.workflow

# Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Vector 35 Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import argparse
import cmd
import ctypes
import json
import traceback
from typing import List, Union, Callable, Optional, Any

# Binary Ninja components
import binaryninja
from .log import log_error
from . import _binaryninjacore as core
from .flowgraph import FlowGraph, CoreFlowGraph

from . import function as _function
from . import lowlevelil
from . import mediumlevelil
from . import highlevelil

ActivityType = Union['Activity', str]

[docs] class AnalysisContext: """ The ``AnalysisContext`` object is used to represent the current state of analysis for a given function. It allows direct modification of IL and other analysis information. """ def __init__(self, handle: core.BNAnalysisContextHandle): assert handle is not None self.handle = handle @property def function(self) -> '_function.Function': """ Function for the current AnalysisContext (read-only) """ result = core.BNAnalysisContextGetFunction(self.handle) if not result: return None return _function.Function(handle=result) @property def lifted_il(self) -> lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction: """ LowLevelILFunction used to represent lifted IL (writable) """ return self.function.lifted_il @lifted_il.setter def lifted_il(self, lifted_il: lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction) -> None: core.BNSetLiftedILFunction(self.handle, lifted_il.handle) @property def llil(self) -> lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction: """ LowLevelILFunction used to represent Low Level IL (writable) """ result = core.BNAnalysisContextGetLowLevelILFunction(self.handle) if not result: return None return lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction(handle=result) @llil.setter def llil(self, value: lowlevelil.LowLevelILFunction) -> None: core.BNSetLowLevelILFunction(self.handle, value.handle) @property def mlil(self) -> mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction: """ MediumLevelILFunction used to represent Medium Level IL (writable) """ result = core.BNAnalysisContextGetMediumLevelILFunction(self.handle) if not result: return None return mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction(handle=result) @mlil.setter def mlil(self, value: mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction) -> None: core.BNSetMediumLevelILFunction(self.handle, value.handle) @property def hlil(self) -> highlevelil.HighLevelILFunction: """ HighLevelILFunction used to represent High Level IL (writable) """ result = core.BNAnalysisContextGetHighLevelILFunction(self.handle) if not result: return None return highlevelil.HighLevelILFunction(handle=result) @hlil.setter def hlil(self, value: highlevelil.HighLevelILFunction) -> None: core.BNSetHighLevelILFunction(self.handle, value.handle) @property def basic_blocks(self) -> '_function.BasicBlockList': """ function.BasicBlockList of BasicBlocks in the current function (writable) """ return _function.BasicBlockList(self.function) @basic_blocks.setter def basic_blocks(self, value: '_function.BasicBlockList') -> None: core.BNSetBasicBlockList(self.handle, value._blocks, value._count)
[docs] def inform(self, request: str) -> bool: return core.BNAnalysisContextInform(self.handle, request)
[docs] class Activity(object): """ :class:`Activity` """ _action_callbacks = {} def __init__(self, configuration: str = "", handle: Optional[core.BNActivityHandle] = None, action: Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None): if handle is None: #cls._notify(ac, callback) action_callback = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(core.BNAnalysisContext))(lambda ctxt, ac: self._action(ac)) _handle = core.BNCreateActivity(configuration, None, action_callback) self.action = action self.__class__._action_callbacks[len(self.__class__._action_callbacks)] = action_callback else: _handle = handle assert _handle is not None, "Activity instantiation failed" self.handle = _handle def _action(self, ac: Any): try: if self.action is not None: self.action(AnalysisContext(ac)) except: log_error(traceback.format_exc()) def __del__(self): if core is not None: core.BNFreeActivity(self.handle) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {}>" def __str__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(other.handle.contents) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents)) @property def name(self) -> str: """Activity name (read-only)""" return core.BNActivityGetName(self.handle)
class _WorkflowMetaclass(type): @property def list(self) -> List['Workflow']: """List all Workflows (read-only)""" binaryninja._init_plugins() count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() workflows = core.BNGetWorkflowList(count) assert workflows is not None, "core.BNGetWorkflowList returned None" result = [] try: for i in range(0, count.value): handle = core.BNNewWorkflowReference(workflows[i]) assert handle is not None, "core.BNNewWorkflowReference returned None" result.append(Workflow(handle=handle)) return result finally: core.BNFreeWorkflowList(workflows, count.value) def __iter__(self): binaryninja._init_plugins() count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() workflows = core.BNGetWorkflowList(count) assert workflows is not None, "core.BNGetWorkflowList returned None" try: for i in range(0, count.value): handle = core.BNNewWorkflowReference(workflows[i]) assert handle is not None, "core.BNNewWorkflowReference returned None" yield Workflow(handle=handle) finally: core.BNFreeWorkflowList(workflows, count.value) def __getitem__(self, value): binaryninja._init_plugins() workflow = core.BNWorkflowInstance(str(value)) return Workflow(handle=workflow)
[docs] class Workflow(metaclass=_WorkflowMetaclass): """ :class:`Workflow` A Binary Ninja Workflow is an abstraction of a computational binary analysis pipeline and it provides the extensibility \ mechanism needed for tailored binary analysis and decompilation. More specifically, a Workflow is a repository of activities along with a \ unique strategy to execute them. Binary Ninja provides two Workflows named ``core.module.defaultAnalysis`` and ``core.function.defaultAnalysis`` \ which expose the core analysis. A Workflow starts in the unregistered state from either creating a new empty Workflow, or cloning an existing Workflow. While unregistered \ it's possible to add and remove activities, as well as change the execution strategy. In order to use the Workflow on a binary it must be \ registered. Once registered the Workflow is immutable and available for use. Retrieve the default Workflow by creating a Workflow object:: >>> Workflow() <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis> Retrieve any registered Workflow by name:: >>> list(Workflow) [<Workflow: core.function.defaultAnalysis>, <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis>] >>> Workflow('core.module.defaultAnalysis') <Workflow: core.module.defaultAnalysis> >>> Workflow('core.function.defaultAnalysis') <Workflow: core.function.defaultAnalysis> Create a new Workflow, show it in the UI, modify and then register it. Try it via Open with Options and selecting the new Workflow:: >>> pwf = Workflow().clone("PythonLogWarnWorkflow") >>> pwf.show_topology() >>> pwf.register_activity(Activity("PythonLogWarn", action=lambda analysis_context: log_warn("PythonLogWarn Called!"))) >>> pwf.insert("core.function.basicBlockAnalysis", ["PythonLogWarn"]) >>> pwf.register() .. note:: Binary Ninja Workflows is currently under development and available as an early feature preview. For additional documentation see Help / User Guide / Developer Guide / Workflows """ def __init__(self, name: str = "", handle: core.BNWorkflowHandle = None, query_registry: bool = True, function_handle: core.BNFunctionHandle = None): if handle is None: if query_registry: _handle = core.BNWorkflowInstance(str(name)) else: _handle = core.BNCreateWorkflow(name) else: _handle = handle assert _handle is not None self.handle = _handle self._name = core.BNGetWorkflowName(self.handle) self._machine = None if function_handle is not None: self._machine = WorkflowMachine(function_handle) def __del__(self): if core is not None: core.BNFreeWorkflow(self.handle) def __len__(self): return int(core.BNWorkflowSize(self.handle)) def __repr__(self): if core.BNWorkflowIsRegistered(self.handle): return f"<Workflow: {}>" else: return f"<Workflow [Unregistered]: {}>" def __str__(self): return @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(other.handle.contents) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents))
[docs] def register(self, configuration: str = "") -> bool: """ ``register`` Register this Workflow, making it immutable and available for use. :param str configuration: a JSON representation of the workflow configuration :return: True on Success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return core.BNRegisterWorkflow(self.handle, str(configuration))
[docs] def clone(self, name: str = None, activity: ActivityType = "") -> "Workflow": """ ``clone`` Clone a new Workflow, copying all Activities and the execution strategy. :param str name: the name for the new Workflow :param str activity: if specified, perform the clone operation using ``activity`` as the root :return: a new Workflow :rtype: Workflow """ if name is None: name = "" workflow = core.BNWorkflowClone(self.handle, str(name), str(activity)) return Workflow(handle=workflow)
[docs] def register_activity(self, activity: Activity, subactivities: List[ActivityType] = []) -> Optional[Activity]: """ ``register_activity`` Register an Activity with this Workflow. :param Activity activity: the Activity to register :param list[str] subactivities: the list of Activities to assign :return: True on Success, False otherwise :rtype: Activity """ if activity is None: return None input_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(subactivities))() for i in range(0, len(subactivities)): input_list[i] = str(subactivities[i]).encode('charmap') return core.BNWorkflowRegisterActivity(self.handle, activity.handle, input_list, len(subactivities))
[docs] def contains(self, activity: ActivityType) -> bool: """ ``contains`` Determine if an Activity exists in this Workflow. :param ActivityType activity: the Activity name :return: True if the Activity exists, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return core.BNWorkflowContains(self.handle, str(activity))
[docs] def configuration(self, activity: ActivityType = "") -> str: """ ``configuration`` Retrieve the configuration as an adjacency list in JSON for the Workflow, or if specified just for the given ``activity``. :param ActivityType activity: if specified, return the configuration for the ``activity`` :return: an adjacency list representation of the configuration in JSON :rtype: str """ return core.BNWorkflowGetConfiguration(self.handle, str(activity))
@property def registered(self) -> bool: """ ``registered`` Whether this Workflow is registered or not. A Workflow becomes immutable once it is registered. :type: bool """ return core.BNWorkflowIsRegistered(self.handle)
[docs] def get_activity(self, activity: ActivityType) -> Optional[Activity]: """ ``get_activity`` Retrieve the Activity object for the specified ``activity``. :param str activity: the Activity name :return: the Activity object :rtype: Activity """ handle = core.BNWorkflowGetActivity(self.handle, str(activity)) if handle is None: return None return Activity(str(activity), handle)
[docs] def activity_roots(self, activity: ActivityType = "") -> List[str]: """ ``activity_roots`` Retrieve the list of activity roots for the Workflow, or if specified just for the given ``activity``. :param str activity: if specified, return the roots for the ``activity`` :return: list of root activity names :rtype: list[str] """ length = ctypes.c_ulonglong() result = core.BNWorkflowGetActivityRoots(self.handle, str(activity), ctypes.byref(length)) assert result is not None, "core.BNWorkflowGetActivityRoots returned None" out_list = [] try: for i in range(length.value): out_list.append(result[i].decode('utf-8')) return out_list finally: core.BNFreeStringList(result, length.value)
[docs] def subactivities(self, activity: ActivityType = "", immediate: bool = True) -> List[str]: """ ``subactivities`` Retrieve the list of all activities, or optionally a filtered list. :param str activity: if specified, return the direct children and optionally the descendants of the ``activity`` (includes ``activity``) :param bool immediate: whether to include only direct children of ``activity`` or all descendants :return: list of activity names :rtype: list[str] """ length = ctypes.c_ulonglong() result = core.BNWorkflowGetSubactivities(self.handle, str(activity), immediate, ctypes.byref(length)) assert result is not None, "core.BNWorkflowGetSubactivities returned None" out_list = [] try: for i in range(length.value): out_list.append(result[i].decode('utf-8')) return out_list finally: core.BNFreeStringList(result, length.value)
[docs] def assign_subactivities(self, activity: Activity, activities: List[str]) -> bool: """ ``assign_subactivities`` Assign the list of ``activities`` as the new set of children for the specified ``activity``. :param str activity: the Activity node to assign children :param list[str] activities: the list of Activities to assign :return: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ input_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(activities))() for i in range(0, len(activities)): input_list[i] = str(activities[i]).encode('charmap') return core.BNWorkflowAssignSubactivities(self.handle, str(activity), input_list, len(activities))
[docs] def clear(self) -> bool: """ ``clear`` Remove all Activity nodes from this Workflow. :return: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return core.BNWorkflowClear(self.handle)
[docs] def insert(self, activity: ActivityType, activities: List[str]) -> bool: """ ``insert`` Insert the list of ``activities`` before the specified ``activity`` and at the same level. :param str activity: the Activity node for which to insert ``activities`` before :param list[str] activities: the list of Activities to insert :return: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ input_list = (ctypes.c_char_p * len(activities))() for i in range(0, len(activities)): input_list[i] = str(activities[i]).encode('charmap') return core.BNWorkflowInsert(self.handle, str(activity), input_list, len(activities))
[docs] def remove(self, activity: ActivityType) -> bool: """ ``remove`` Remove the specified ``activity``. :param str activity: the Activity to remove :return: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return core.BNWorkflowRemove(self.handle, str(activity))
[docs] def replace(self, activity: ActivityType, new_activity: List[str]) -> bool: """ ``replace`` Replace the specified ``activity``. :param str activity: the Activity to replace :param list[str] new_activity: the replacement Activity :return: True on success, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return core.BNWorkflowReplace(self.handle, str(activity), str(new_activity))
[docs] def graph(self, activity: ActivityType = "", sequential: bool = False, show: bool = True) -> Optional[FlowGraph]: """ ``graph`` Generate a FlowGraph object for the current Workflow and optionally show it in the UI. :param str activity: if specified, generate the Flowgraph using ``activity`` as the root :param bool sequential: whether to generate a **Composite** or **Sequential** style graph :param bool show: whether to show the graph in the UI or not :return: FlowGraph object on success, None on failure :rtype: FlowGraph """ graph = core.BNWorkflowGetGraph(self.handle, str(activity), sequential) if not graph: return None graph = CoreFlowGraph(graph) if show: core.BNShowGraphReport(None, f'{} <{activity}>' if activity else, graph.handle) return graph
[docs] def show_metrics(self) -> None: """ ``show_metrics`` Not yet implemented. :rtype: None """ core.BNWorkflowShowReport(self.handle, "metrics")
[docs] def show_topology(self) -> None: """ ``show_topology`` Show the Workflow topology in the UI. :rtype: None """ core.BNWorkflowShowReport(self.handle, "topology")
[docs] def show_trace(self) -> None: """ ``show_trace`` Not yet implemented. :rtype: None """ core.BNWorkflowShowReport(self.handle, "trace")
[docs] def eligibility_settings(self) -> List[str]: """ ``eligibility_settings`` Retrieve the list of eligibility settings for the Workflow. :return: list of eligibility settings :rtype: list[str] """ length = ctypes.c_ulonglong() result = core.BNWorkflowGetEligibilitySettings(self.handle, ctypes.byref(length)) assert result is not None, "core.BNWorkflowGetEligibilitySettings returned None" out_list = [] try: for i in range(length.value): out_list.append(result[i].decode('utf-8')) return out_list finally: core.BNFreeStringList(result, length.value)
@property def machine(self): if self._machine is not None: return self._machine else: raise AttributeError("Machine does not exist.")
[docs] class WorkflowMachine: def __init__(self, handle: core.BNFunctionHandle = None): self.handle = handle
[docs] def log(self, enable: bool = True, is_global: bool = False): request = json.dumps({"command": "log", "enable": enable, "global": is_global}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def metrics(self, enable: bool = True, is_global: bool = False): request = json.dumps({"command": "metrics", "enable": enable, "global": is_global}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def dump(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "dump"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def configure(self, advanced: bool = True, incremental: bool = False): request = json.dumps({"command": "configure", "advanced": advanced, "incremental": incremental}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def resume(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "run"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def run(self): status = self.status() if 'machineState' in status and 'state' in status['machineState']: if status['machineState']['state'] == 'Idle': self.configure() else: raise AttributeError("Unknown status response!") request = json.dumps({"command": "run"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def abort(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "abort"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def halt(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "halt"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def reset(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "reset"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def enable(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "enable"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def disable(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "disable"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def step(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "step"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def breakpoint_delete(self, activities): request = json.dumps({"command": "breakpoint", "action": "delete", "activities": activities}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def breakpoint_query(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "breakpoint", "action": "query"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def breakpoint_set(self, activities): request = json.dumps({"command": "breakpoint", "action": "set", "activities": activities}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def status(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "status"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def override_clear(self, activity): request = json.dumps({"command": "override", "action": "clear", "activity": activity}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def override_query(self): request = json.dumps({"command": "override", "action": "query"}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def override_set(self, activity, enable): request = json.dumps({"command": "override", "action": "set", "activity": activity, "enable": enable}) return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def request(self, request): return json.loads(core.BNPostWorkflowRequestForFunction(self.handle, request))
[docs] def cli(self): WorkflowMachineCLI(self).cmdloop()
[docs] class WorkflowMachineCLI(cmd.Cmd): intro = "Welcome to the Workflow Orchestrator. Type 'help' to list available commands." prompt = "(dechora) " aliases = { "l": "log", "m": "metrics", "d": "dump", "c": "resume", "r": "run", "a": "abort", "h": "halt", "s": "step", "b": "breakpoint", "o": "override", "q": "quit" } def __init__(self, machine: WorkflowMachine): super().__init__() self.machine = machine
[docs] def do_log(self, line): """Control workflow logging.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False) parser.add_argument("--enable", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enable logging") parser.add_argument("--disable", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable logging") parser.add_argument("--global", action="store_true", default=False, dest="is_global", help="Enable or disable logging globally") try: args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if args.enable is None: enable = not args.disable else: enable = args.enable status = self.machine.log(enable=enable, is_global=args.is_global) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: print("ArgumentError:", e) except SystemExit: pass
[docs] def do_metrics(self, line): """Control workflow metrics collection.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False) parser.add_argument("--enable", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enable logging") parser.add_argument("--disable", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable logging") parser.add_argument("--global", action="store_true", default=False, dest="is_global", help="Enable or disable logging globally") try: args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if args.enable is None: enable = not args.disable else: enable = args.enable status = self.machine.metrics(enable=enable, is_global=args.is_global) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: print("ArgumentError:", e) except SystemExit: pass
[docs] def do_dump(self, line): """Dump metrics from the workflow system.""" status = self.machine.dump() accepted = status.get('commandStatus', {}).get('accepted', False) if accepted: response = status.pop("response", None) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) if accepted and response: print(json.dumps(response, indent=None))
[docs] def do_configure(self, line): """Configure the workflow machine.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False) parser.add_argument("--advanced", action="store_true", default=True, help="Enable advanced configuration (default: True)") parser.add_argument("--incremental", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enable incremental configuration (default: True if provided, False if omitted)") try: args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) if args.incremental is None: args.incremental = False status = self.machine.configure(advanced=args.advanced, incremental=args.incremental) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: print("ArgumentError:", e) except SystemExit: pass
[docs] def do_resume(self, line): """Continue/Resume execution of a workflow.""" status = self.machine.resume() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_run(self, line): """Run the workflow machine and generate a default configuration if the workflow is not configured.""" status = print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_abort(self, line): """Abort the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.abort() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_halt(self, line): """Halt the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.halt() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_reset(self, line): """Reset the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.reset() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_enable(self, line): """Enable the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.enable() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_disable(self, line): """Disable the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.disable() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_step(self, line): """Step to the next activity in the workflow machine.""" status = self.machine.step() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_breakpoint(self, line): """Handle breakpoint commands.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False) parser.add_argument("action", choices=["delete", "set", "query"], help="Action to perform: delete, set, or, query.") parser.add_argument("activities", type=str, nargs="*", help="The breakpoint(s) to set/delete.") try: args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) args.activities = [activity[1:-1] if activity.startswith('"') and activity.endswith('"') else activity for activity in args.activities] if args.action == "delete": status = self.machine.breakpoint_delete(args.activities) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) elif args.action == "query": status = self.machine.breakpoint_query() accepted = status.get('commandStatus', {}).get('accepted', False) if accepted: response = status.pop("response", None) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) if accepted and response: print(json.dumps(response, indent=None)) elif args.action == "set": status = self.machine.breakpoint_set(args.activities) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: print("ArgumentError:", e) except SystemExit: pass
[docs] def do_status(self, line): """Retrieve the current machine status.""" status = self.machine.status() print(json.dumps(status, indent=4))
[docs] def do_override(self, line): """Handle override commands.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(exit_on_error=False) parser.add_argument("action", choices=["clear", "set", "query"], help="Action to perform: clear, set, or, query.") parser.add_argument("activity", type=str, nargs="?", default="", help="The activity to set/clear.") parser.add_argument("--enable", action="store_true", default=None, help="Enable the specified activity.") parser.add_argument("--disable", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable the specified activity.") try: args = parser.parse_args(line.split()) args.activity = args.activity[1:-1] if args.activity and args.activity.startswith('"') and args.activity.endswith('"') else args.activity if args.action == "clear": status = self.machine.override_clear(args.activity) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) elif args.action == "query": status = self.machine.override_query() accepted = status.get('commandStatus', {}).get('accepted', False) if accepted: response = status.pop("response", None) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) if accepted and response: print(json.dumps(response, indent=None)) elif args.action == "set": if args.enable is None: enable = not args.disable else: enable = args.enable status = self.machine.override_set(args.activity, enable) print(json.dumps(status, indent=4)) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: print("ArgumentError:", e) except SystemExit: pass
[docs] def do_quit(self, line): """Exit the WorkflowMachine CLI.""" print("Exiting WorkflowMachine CLI...") return True
[docs] def precmd(self, line): words = line.split() if words and words[0] in self.aliases: words[0] = self.aliases[words[0]] line = ' '.join(words) return line
[docs] def help(self, arg): if arg in self.aliases: arg = self.aliases[arg] super().help(arg)