Source code for binaryninja.highlevelil

# Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Vector 35 Inc
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import ctypes
import struct
from typing import Optional, Generator, List, Union, NewType, Tuple, ClassVar, Mapping, Set, Callable, Any, Iterator, overload
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

# Binary Ninja components
from . import _binaryninjacore as core
from .enums import (
	HighLevelILOperation, DataFlowQueryOption, FunctionGraphType, ILInstructionAttribute, StringType,
from . import function
from . import binaryview
from . import architecture
from . import lowlevelil
from . import mediumlevelil
from . import basicblock
from . import types
from . import highlight
from . import flowgraph
from . import variable
from . import databuffer
from . import types as _types
from .interaction import show_graph_report
from .commonil import (
    BaseILInstruction, Tailcall, Syscall, Localcall, Comparison, Signed, UnaryOperation, BinaryOperation, SSA, Phi,
    Loop, ControlFlow, Memory, Constant, Arithmetic, DoublePrecision, Terminal, FloatingPoint, Intrinsic, Return,
    VariableInstruction, SSAVariableInstruction, SetVar, ILSourceLocation
from . import deprecation

TokenList = List['function.InstructionTextToken']
LinesType = Generator['function.DisassemblyTextLine', None, None]
ExpressionIndex = NewType('ExpressionIndex', int)
InstructionIndex = NewType('InstructionIndex', int)
Index = Union[ExpressionIndex, InstructionIndex]
InstructionOrExpression = Union['HighLevelILInstruction', Index]
HLILInstructionsType = Generator['HighLevelILInstruction', None, None]
HLILBasicBlocksType = Generator['HighLevelILBasicBlock', None, None]
OperandsType = Tuple[ExpressionIndex, ExpressionIndex, ExpressionIndex, ExpressionIndex, ExpressionIndex]
HighLevelILOperandType = Union['HighLevelILInstruction', 'lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic', 'variable.Variable',
                               'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable', List[int], List['variable.Variable'],
                               List['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable'], List['HighLevelILInstruction'], Optional[int], float,
                               'GotoLabel', variable.ConstantData, databuffer.DataBuffer]
VariablesList = List[Union['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable', 'variable.Variable']]
StringOrType = Union[str, '_types.Type', '_types.TypeBuilder']
ILInstructionAttributeSet = Union[Set[ILInstructionAttribute], List[ILInstructionAttribute]]
HighLevelILVisitorCallback = Callable[[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str, Optional['HighLevelILInstruction']], bool]

[docs] class VariableReferenceType(Enum): Read = 0 Written = 1 AddressTaken = 2
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class HighLevelILOperationAndSize: operation: HighLevelILOperation size: int def __repr__(self): if self.size == 0: return f"<HighLevelILOperationAndSize: {}>" return f"<HighLevelILOperationAndSize: {} {self.size}>"
[docs] @dataclass class GotoLabel: function: 'HighLevelILFunction' id: int def __repr__(self): return f"<GotoLabel: {}>" def __str__(self): return @property def label_id(self) -> int: return @property def name(self) -> str: assert self.function.source_function is not None, "Cant get name of function without source_function" return core.BNGetGotoLabelName(self.function.source_function.handle, @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: assert self.function.source_function is not None, "Cant set name of function without source_function" core.BNSetUserGotoLabelName(self.function.source_function.handle,, value) @property def definition(self) -> Optional['HighLevelILInstruction']: return self.function.get_label( @property def uses(self) -> List['HighLevelILInstruction']: return self.function.get_label_uses(
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class CoreHighLevelILInstruction: operation: HighLevelILOperation attributes: int source_operand: int size: int operands: OperandsType address: int parent: ExpressionIndex
[docs] @classmethod def from_BNHighLevelILInstruction(cls, instr: core.BNHighLevelILInstruction) -> 'CoreHighLevelILInstruction': operands: OperandsType = tuple([ExpressionIndex(instr.operands[i]) for i in range(5)]) # type: ignore return cls( HighLevelILOperation(instr.operation), instr.attributes, instr.sourceOperand, instr.size, operands, instr.address, instr.parent )
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class HighLevelILInstruction(BaseILInstruction): """ ``class HighLevelILInstruction`` High Level Intermediate Language Instructions form an abstract syntax tree of the code. Control flow structures are present as high level constructs in the HLIL tree. """ function: 'HighLevelILFunction' expr_index: ExpressionIndex core_instr: CoreHighLevelILInstruction as_ast: bool instr_index: InstructionIndex # ILOperations is deprecated and will be removed in a future version once BNIL Graph no longer uses it # Use the visit methods visit, visit_all, and visit_operands ILOperations: ClassVar[Mapping[HighLevelILOperation, List[Tuple[str, str]]]] = { HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOP: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BLOCK: [("body", "expr_list")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IF: [("condition", "expr"), ("true", "expr"), ("false", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_WHILE: [("condition", "expr"), ("body", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_WHILE_SSA: [("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("body", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DO_WHILE: [ ("body", "expr"), ("condition", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DO_WHILE_SSA: [("body", "expr"), ("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FOR: [("init", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("update", "expr"), ("body", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FOR_SSA: [ ("init", "expr"), ("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("update", "expr"), ("body", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SWITCH: [ ("condition", "expr"), ("default", "expr"), ("cases", "expr_list") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CASE: [("values", "expr_list"), ("body", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BREAK: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONTINUE: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_JUMP: [ ("dest", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RET: [("src", "expr_list")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NORET: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNREACHABLE: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_GOTO: [("target", "label")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LABEL: [ ("target", "label") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_DECLARE: [("var", "var")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_INIT: [ ("dest", "var"), ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_INIT_SSA: [ ("dest", "var_ssa"), ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN: [("dest", "expr"), ("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK: [ ("dest", "expr_list"), ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_MEM_SSA: [("dest", "expr"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK_MEM_SSA: [ ("dest", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR: [("var", "var")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_SSA: [ ("var", "var_ssa") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_PHI: [("dest", "var_ssa"), ("src", "var_ssa_list")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MEM_PHI: [ ("dest", "int"), ("src", "int_list") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_STRUCT_FIELD: [ ("src", "expr"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX: [ ("src", "expr"), ("index", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX_SSA: [("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), ("index", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SPLIT: [("high", "expr"), ("low", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_FIELD: [ ("src", "expr"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_SSA: [ ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_FIELD_SSA: [ ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADDRESS_OF: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST: [ ("constant", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_PTR: [("constant", "int")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_EXTERN_PTR: [ ("constant", "int"), ("offset", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONST: [("constant", "float")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IMPORT: [ ("constant", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_DATA: [("constant_data", "constant_data")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_DATA: [ ("constant_data", "constant_data") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADD: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADC: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SUB: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SBB: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_AND: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_OR: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_XOR: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSL: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSR: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASR: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROL: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RLC: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROR: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RRC: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MUL: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULU_DP: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULS_DP: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU_DP: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS_DP: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU_DP: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS_DP: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NEG: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOT: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SX: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ZX: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LOW_PART: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CALL: [ ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CALL_SSA: [ ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_E: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_NE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLT: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULT: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULE: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGE: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGT: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGT: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TEST_BIT: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BOOL_TO_INT: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SYSCALL: [("params", "expr_list")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SYSCALL_SSA: [ ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TAILCALL: [ ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BP: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TRAP: [ ("vector", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INTRINSIC: [("intrinsic", "intrinsic"), ("params", "expr_list")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INTRINSIC_SSA: [ ("intrinsic", "intrinsic"), ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNDEF: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL: [], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL_MEM: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FADD: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSUB: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FMUL: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FDIV: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSQRT: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FNEG: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FABS: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONV: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROUND_TO_INT: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOOR: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CEIL: [("src", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FTRUNC: [ ("src", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_E: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_NE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LT: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GE: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GT: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_O: [ ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr") ], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_UO: [("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr")] }
[docs] @staticmethod def show_hlil_hierarchy(): """ Opens a new tab showing the HLIL hierarchy which includes classes which can easily be used with isinstance to match multiple types of IL instructions. """ graph = flowgraph.FlowGraph() nodes = {} for instruction in ILInstruction.values(): instruction.add_subgraph(graph, nodes) show_graph_report("HLIL Class Hierarchy Graph", graph)
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, func: 'HighLevelILFunction', expr_index: ExpressionIndex, as_ast: bool = True, instr_index: Optional[InstructionIndex] = None ) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': assert func.arch is not None, "Attempted to create IL instruction with function missing an Architecture" instr = core.BNGetHighLevelILByIndex(func.handle, expr_index, as_ast) assert instr is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILByIndex returned None" core_instr = CoreHighLevelILInstruction.from_BNHighLevelILInstruction(instr) if instr_index is None: instr_index = core.BNGetHighLevelILInstructionForExpr(func.handle, expr_index) assert instr_index is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILInstructionForExpr returned None" return ILInstruction[instr.operation](func, expr_index, core_instr, as_ast, instr_index)
def __str__(self): settings = function.DisassemblySettings.default_settings() settings.set_option(DisassemblyOption.DisableLineFormatting) lines = self.get_lines(settings) if lines is None: return "invalid" result = [] for line in lines: cur = "" for token in line.tokens: cur += token.text result.append(cur) return '\n'.join(result) def __repr__(self): settings = function.DisassemblySettings.default_settings() settings.set_option(DisassemblyOption.DisableLineFormatting) lines = self.get_lines(settings) continuation = "" if lines is None: first_line = "<invalid>" else: first_line = "" for token in next(lines).tokens: first_line += token.text if len(list(lines)) > 1: continuation = "..." return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {first_line}{continuation}>" def __eq__(self, other: 'HighLevelILInstruction'): if not isinstance(other, HighLevelILInstruction): return NotImplemented return self.function == other.function and self.expr_index == other.expr_index def __lt__(self, other: 'HighLevelILInstruction'): if not isinstance(other, HighLevelILInstruction): return NotImplemented return self.function == other.function and self.expr_index < other.expr_index def __le__(self, other: 'HighLevelILInstruction'): if not isinstance(other, HighLevelILInstruction): return NotImplemented return self.function == other.function and self.expr_index <= other.expr_index def __gt__(self, other: 'HighLevelILInstruction'): if not isinstance(other, HighLevelILInstruction): return NotImplemented return self.function == other.function and self.expr_index > other.expr_index def __ge__(self, other: 'HighLevelILInstruction'): if not isinstance(other, HighLevelILInstruction): return NotImplemented return self.function == other.function and self.expr_index >= other.expr_index def __hash__(self): return hash((self.function, self.expr_index)) @property def tokens(self) -> TokenList: """HLIL tokens taken from the HLIL text lines (read-only) -- does not include newlines or indentation, use lines for that information""" settings = function.DisassemblySettings.default_settings() settings.set_option(DisassemblyOption.DisableLineFormatting) return [token for line in self.get_lines(settings) for token in line.tokens] @property def lines(self) -> LinesType: """HLIL text lines (read-only)""" return self.get_lines() @property def prefix_operands(self) -> List[Union[HighLevelILOperandType, HighLevelILOperationAndSize]]: """All operands in the expression tree in prefix order""" result: List[Union[HighLevelILOperandType, HighLevelILOperationAndSize]] = [HighLevelILOperationAndSize(self.operation, self.size)] for operand in self.operands: if isinstance(operand, HighLevelILInstruction): result.extend(operand.prefix_operands) else: result.append(operand) return result @property def postfix_operands(self) -> List[Union[HighLevelILOperandType, HighLevelILOperationAndSize]]: """All operands in the expression tree in postfix order""" result: List[Union[HighLevelILOperandType, HighLevelILOperationAndSize]] = [] for operand in self.operands: if isinstance(operand, HighLevelILInstruction): result.extend(operand.postfix_operands) else: result.append(operand) result.append(HighLevelILOperationAndSize(self.operation, self.size)) return result @property def instr(self) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': """The statement that this expression belongs to (read-only)""" return self.function[self.instr_index] @property def ast(self) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': """This expression with full AST printing (read-only)""" if self.as_ast: return self return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self.function, self.expr_index, True) @property def non_ast(self) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': """This expression without full AST printing (read-only)""" if not self.as_ast: return self return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self.function, self.expr_index, False) @property def operation(self) -> HighLevelILOperation: return self.core_instr.operation @property def size(self) -> int: return self.core_instr.size @property def address(self) -> int: return self.core_instr.address @property def source_operand(self) -> ExpressionIndex: return ExpressionIndex(self.core_instr.source_operand) @property def source_location(self) -> ILSourceLocation: return ILSourceLocation.from_instruction(self) @property def core_operands(self) -> OperandsType: return self.core_instr.operands @property def instruction_operands(self) -> List['HighLevelILInstruction']: result = [] for i in self.operands: if isinstance(i, list): result.extend([j for j in i if isinstance(j, HighLevelILInstruction)]) elif isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction): result.append(i) return result @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: """List of variables value is written by this instruction""" result = [] for i in self.operands: if isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction): result.extend(i.vars_written) return result @property def vars_read(self) -> VariablesList: """Non-unique list of variables whose value is read by this instruction""" non_read = [*self.vars_written, *self.vars_address_taken] result = [] for v in self.vars: if v in non_read: non_read.remove(v) continue result.append(v) return result @property def vars_address_taken(self) -> VariablesList: """ Non-unique list of variables whose address is taken by instruction .. note:: This property has some nuance to it, so use carefully. This property will return only those variable which \ directly have their address taken such as `&var_4` or `&var_8.d` but not those which are involved in an address \ calculation such as `&(var_4 + 0)` or `&var_4[0]` even though they may be functionally equivalent. """ result = [] for operand in self.instruction_operands: result.extend(operand.vars_address_taken) return result @property def vars(self) -> VariablesList: """Non-unique list of variables read by instruction""" result = [] for operand in self.operands: if isinstance(operand, HighLevelILInstruction): result.extend(operand.vars) elif isinstance(operand, (variable.Variable, mediumlevelil.SSAVariable)): result.append(operand) elif isinstance(operand, list): for sub_operand in operand: if isinstance(sub_operand, (variable.Variable, mediumlevelil.SSAVariable)): result.append(sub_operand) elif isinstance(sub_operand, HighLevelILInstruction): result.extend(sub_operand.vars) return result @property def parent(self) -> Optional['HighLevelILInstruction']: if self.core_instr.parent >= core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.function.handle): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self.function, self.core_instr.parent, self.as_ast) @property def ssa_form(self) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': """SSA form of expression (read-only)""" assert self.function.ssa_form is not None return HighLevelILInstruction.create( self.function.ssa_form, ExpressionIndex(core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAExprIndex(self.function.handle, self.expr_index)), self.as_ast ) @property def non_ssa_form(self) -> Optional['HighLevelILInstruction']: """Non-SSA form of expression (read-only)""" if self.function.non_ssa_form is None: return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create( self.function.non_ssa_form, ExpressionIndex(core.BNGetHighLevelILNonSSAExprIndex(self.function.handle, self.expr_index)), self.as_ast ) @property def medium_level_il(self) -> Optional['mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction']: """Medium level IL form of this expression""" expr = self.function.get_medium_level_il_expr_index(self.expr_index) if expr is None: return None mlil = self.function.medium_level_il if mlil is None: return None ssa_func = mlil.ssa_form assert ssa_func is not None, "medium_level_il.ssa_form is None" return mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction.create(ssa_func, expr) @property def mlil(self) -> Optional['mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction']: """Alias for medium_level_il""" return self.medium_level_il @property def mlils(self) -> Optional[List['mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction']]: result = [] for expr in self.function.get_medium_level_il_expr_indexes(self.expr_index): mlil = self.function.medium_level_il if mlil is None: return ssa_func = mlil.ssa_form assert ssa_func is not None, "medium_level_il.ssa_form is None" result.append(mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILInstruction.create(ssa_func, expr)) return result @property def low_level_il(self) -> Optional['lowlevelil.LowLevelILInstruction']: """Low level IL form of this expression""" if self.mlil is None: return None return self.mlil.llil @property def llil(self) -> Optional['lowlevelil.LowLevelILInstruction']: """Alias for low_level_il""" return self.low_level_il @property def llils(self) -> List['lowlevelil.ExpressionIndex']: result = set() mlils = self.mlils if mlils is None: return [] for mlil_expr in mlils: for llil_expr in mlil_expr.llils: result.add(llil_expr) return list(result) @property def il_basic_block(self) -> Optional['HighLevelILBasicBlock']: """ IL basic block object containing this expression (read-only) (only available on finalized functions). Returns None for HLIL_BLOCK expressions as these can contain multiple basic blocks. """ core_block = core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockForInstruction(self.function.handle, self.instr_index) assert core_block is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockForInstruction returned None" if self.function.source_function is None: return None return HighLevelILBasicBlock(core_block, self.function, self.function.source_function.view) @property def value(self) -> 'variable.RegisterValue': """Value of expression if constant or a known value (read-only)""" mlil = self.mlil if mlil is None: return variable.Undetermined() return mlil.value @property def possible_values(self) -> 'variable.PossibleValueSet': """Possible values of expression using path-sensitive static data flow analysis (read-only)""" mlil = self.mlil if mlil is None: return variable.PossibleValueSet() return mlil.possible_values @property def expr_type(self) -> Optional['types.Type']: """Type of expression""" result = core.BNGetHighLevelILExprType(self.function.handle, self.expr_index) if result.type: platform = None if self.function.source_function: platform = self.function.source_function.platform return types.Type.create( result.type, platform=platform, confidence=result.confidence ) return None @property def attributes(self) -> Set[ILInstructionAttribute]: """The set of optional attributes placed on the instruction""" result: Set[ILInstructionAttribute] = set() for flag in ILInstructionAttribute: if self.core_instr.attributes & flag.value != 0: result.add(flag) return result
[docs] def get_possible_values(self, options: Optional[List[DataFlowQueryOption]] = None) -> 'variable.PossibleValueSet': mlil = self.mlil if mlil is None: return variable.PossibleValueSet() if options is None: options = [] return mlil.get_possible_values(options)
@property def ssa_memory_version(self) -> int: """Version of active memory contents in SSA form for this instruction""" return core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAMemoryVersionAtILInstruction(self.function.handle, self.instr_index)
[docs] def get_ssa_var_version(self, var: 'variable.Variable') -> int: var_data = var.to_BNVariable() return core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAVarVersionAtILInstruction(self.function.handle, var_data, self.instr_index)
[docs] def get_int(self, operand_index: int) -> int: value = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index] return (value & ((1 << 63) - 1)) - (value & (1 << 63))
[docs] def get_float(self, operand_index: int) -> float: value = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index] if self.core_instr.size == 4: return struct.unpack("f", struct.pack("I", value & 0xffffffff))[0] elif self.core_instr.size == 8: return struct.unpack("d", struct.pack("Q", value))[0] else: return float(value)
[docs] def get_constant_data(self, operand_index1: int, operand_index2: int) -> variable.ConstantData: state = variable.RegisterValueType(self.core_instr.operands[operand_index1]) value = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index2] return variable.ConstantData(value, 0, state, core.max_confidence, self.core_instr.size, self.function.source_function)
[docs] def get_expr(self, operand_index: int) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': return HighLevelILInstruction.create( self.function, ExpressionIndex(self.core_instr.operands[operand_index]), self.as_ast )
[docs] def get_intrinsic(self, operand_index: int) -> 'lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic': if self.function.arch is None: raise ValueError("Attempting to create ILIntrinsic from function with no Architecture") return lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic( self.function.arch, architecture.IntrinsicIndex(self.core_instr.operands[operand_index]) )
[docs] def get_var(self, operand_index: int) -> 'variable.Variable': value = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index] return variable.Variable.from_identifier(self.function, value)
[docs] def get_var_ssa(self, operand_index1: int, operand_index2: int) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': var = variable.Variable.from_identifier(self.function, self.core_instr.operands[operand_index1]) version = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index2] return mediumlevelil.SSAVariable(var, version)
[docs] def get_var_ssa_dest_and_src(self, operand_index1: int, operand_index2: int) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': var = variable.Variable.from_identifier(self.function, self.core_instr.operands[operand_index1]) dest_version = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index2] return mediumlevelil.SSAVariable(var, dest_version)
[docs] def get_int_list(self, operand_index: int) -> List[int]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() operand_list = core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList(self.function.handle, self.expr_index, operand_index, count) assert operand_list is not None, "core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList returned None" value: List[int] = [] try: for j in range(count.value): value.append(operand_list[j]) return value finally: core.BNHighLevelILFreeOperandList(operand_list)
[docs] def get_expr_list(self, operand_index1: int, operand_index2: int) -> List['HighLevelILInstruction']: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() operand_list = core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList(self.function.handle, self.expr_index, operand_index1, count) assert operand_list is not None, "core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList returned None" value: List[HighLevelILInstruction] = [] try: for j in range(count.value): value.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self.function, operand_list[j], self.as_ast)) return value finally: core.BNHighLevelILFreeOperandList(operand_list)
[docs] def get_var_ssa_list(self, operand_index1: int, _: int) -> List['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable']: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() operand_list = core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList(self.function.handle, self.expr_index, operand_index1, count) assert operand_list is not None, "core.BNHighLevelILGetOperandList returned None" value = [] try: for j in range(count.value // 2): var_id = operand_list[j * 2] var_version = operand_list[(j*2) + 1] value.append( mediumlevelil.SSAVariable(variable.Variable.from_identifier(self.function, var_id), var_version) ) return value finally: core.BNMediumLevelILFreeOperandList(operand_list)
[docs] def get_member_index(self, operand_index: int) -> Optional[int]: value = self.core_instr.operands[operand_index] if (value & (1 << 63)) != 0: value = None return value
[docs] def get_label(self, operand_index: int) -> GotoLabel: return GotoLabel(self.function, self.core_instr.operands[operand_index])
[docs] def get_constraint(self, operand_index: int) -> variable.PossibleValueSet: value = core.BNGetCachedHighLevelILPossibleValueSet(self.function.handle, self.core_instr.operands[operand_index]) result = variable.PossibleValueSet(self.function.arch, value) core.BNFreePossibleValueSet(value) return result
@property def raw_operands(self) -> OperandsType: """Raw operand expression indices as specified by the core structure (read-only)""" return self.instr.operands @property def operands(self) -> List[HighLevelILOperandType]: """ Operands for the instruction Consider using more specific APIs for ``src``, ``dest``, ``params``, etc where appropriate. """ return list(map(lambda x: x[1], self.detailed_operands)) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: """ Returns a list of tuples containing the name of the operand, the operand, and the type of the operand. Useful for iterating over all operands of an instruction and sub-instructions. """ return []
[docs] def traverse(self, cb: Callable[['HighLevelILInstruction', Any], Any], *args: Any, shallow: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Any]: """ ``traverse`` is a generator that allows you to traverse the HLIL AST in a depth-first manner. It will yield the result of the callback function for each node in the AST. Arguments can be passed to the callback function using ``args`` and ``kwargs``. See the `Developer Docs <>`_ for more examples. :param Callable[[HighLevelILInstruction, Any], Any] cb: The callback function to call for each node in the HighLevelILInstruction :param Any args: Custom user-defined arguments :param bool shallow: Whether traversal occurs on block instructions :param Any kwargs: Custom user-defined keyword arguments :return: An iterator of the results of the callback function :rtype: Iterator[Any] :Example: >>> def get_constant_less_than_value(inst: HighLevelILInstruction, value: int) -> int: ... if isinstance(inst, Constant) and inst.constant < value: ... return inst.constant >>> >>> for result in inst.traverse(get_constant_less_than_value, 10): ... print(f"Found a constant {result} < 10 in {repr(inst)}") :Example: >>> def get_import_data_var_with_name(inst: HighLevelILInstruction, name: str) -> Optional['DataVariable']: ... if isinstance(inst, HighLevelILImport): ... if bv.get_symbol_at(inst.constant).name == name: ... return bv.get_data_var_at(inst.constant) >>> >>> for result in inst.traverse(get_import_data_var_with_name, "__cxa_finalize", shallow=False): ... print(f"Found import at {result} in {repr(inst)}") """ if (result := cb(self, *args, **kwargs)) is not None: yield result blacklisted_op_names = {'true', 'false', 'body', 'cases', 'default'} for op_name, op, _ in self.detailed_operands: if shallow and op_name in blacklisted_op_names: continue if isinstance(op, HighLevelILInstruction): yield from op.traverse(cb, *args, shallow=shallow, **kwargs) elif isinstance(op, list) and all(isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction) for i in op): for i in op: yield from i.traverse(cb, *args, shallow=shallow, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILInstruction.traverse` instead.") def visit_all(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback, name: str = "root", parent: Optional['HighLevelILInstruction'] = None) -> bool: """ Visits all operands of this instruction and all operands of any sub-instructions. Using pre-order traversal. :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback returned False """ if cb(name, self, "HighLevelILInstruction", parent) == False: return False for name, op, opType in self.detailed_operands: if isinstance(op, HighLevelILInstruction): if not op.visit_all(cb, name, self): return False elif isinstance(op, list) and all(isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction) for i in op): for i in op: if not i.visit_all(cb, name, self): # type: ignore return False elif cb(name, op, opType, self) == False: return False return True
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILInstruction.traverse` instead.") def visit_operands(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback, name: str = "root", parent: Optional['HighLevelILInstruction'] = None) -> bool: """ Visits all leaf operands of this instruction and any sub-instructions. :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback returned False """ for name, op, opType in self.detailed_operands: if isinstance(op, HighLevelILInstruction): if not op.visit_operands(cb, name, self): return False elif isinstance(op, list) and all(isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction) for i in op): for i in op: if not i.visit_operands(cb, name, self): # type: ignore return False elif cb(name, op, opType, self) == False: return False return True
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILInstruction.traverse` instead.") def visit(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback, name: str = "root", parent: Optional['HighLevelILInstruction'] = None) -> bool: """ Visits all HighLevelILInstructions in the operands of this instruction and any sub-instructions. In the callback you provide, you likely only need to interact with the second argument (see the example below). :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback returned False :Example: >>> def visitor(_a, inst, _c, _d) -> bool: >>> if isinstance(inst, Constant): >>> print(f"Found constant: {inst.constant}") >>> return False # Stop recursion (once we find a constant, don't recurse in to any sub-instructions (which there won't actually be any...)) >>> # Otherwise, keep recursing the subexpressions of this instruction; if no return value is provided, it'll keep descending >>> >>> # Finds all constants used in the program >>> for inst in bv.hlil_instructions: >>> inst.visit(visitor) """ if cb(name, self, "HighLevelILInstruction", parent) == False: return False for name, op, _ in self.detailed_operands: if isinstance(op, HighLevelILInstruction): if not op.visit(cb, name, self): return False elif isinstance(op, list) and all(isinstance(i, HighLevelILInstruction) for i in op): for i in op: if not i.visit(cb, name, self): # type: ignore return False return True
@property def has_side_effects(self) -> bool: return core.BNHighLevelILHasSideEffects(self.function.handle, self.expr_index)
[docs] def get_lines(self, settings: Optional['function.DisassemblySettings'] = None) -> LinesType: """Gets HLIL text lines with optional settings""" if settings is not None: settings = settings.handle count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() lines = core.BNGetHighLevelILExprText(self.function.handle, self.expr_index, self.as_ast, count, settings) assert lines is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILExprText returned None" try: for i in range(0, count.value): addr = lines[i].addr if lines[i].instrIndex != 0xffffffffffffffff: il_instr = self.function[lines[i].instrIndex] else: il_instr = None color = highlight.HighlightColor._from_core_struct(lines[i].highlight) tokens = function.InstructionTextToken._from_core_struct(lines[i].tokens, lines[i].count) yield function.DisassemblyTextLine(tokens, addr, il_instr, color) finally: core.BNFreeDisassemblyTextLines(lines, count.value)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILUnaryBase(HighLevelILInstruction, UnaryOperation): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILBinaryBase(HighLevelILInstruction, BinaryOperation): @property def left(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def right(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("left", self.left, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("right", self.right, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILComparisonBase(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Comparison): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCarryBase(HighLevelILInstruction, Arithmetic): @property def left(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def right(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def carry(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("left", self.left, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("right", self.right, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("carry", self.carry, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILNop(HighLevelILInstruction): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILBlock(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def body(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) def __iter__(self) -> Generator['HighLevelILInstruction', None, None]: for expr in self.body: yield expr @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("body", self.body, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILIf(HighLevelILInstruction, ControlFlow): @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def true(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def false(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("true", self.true, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("false", self.false, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILWhile(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop): @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILWhileSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop, SSA): @property def condition_phi(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("condition_phi", self.condition_phi, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDoWhile(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop): @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDoWhileSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop, SSA): @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def condition_phi(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition_phi", self.condition_phi, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFor(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop): @property def init(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def update(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(3) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("init", self.init, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("update", self.update, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILForSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, Loop, SSA): @property def init(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def condition_phi(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def update(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(3) @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(4) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("init", self.init, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition_phi", self.condition_phi, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("update", self.update, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSwitch(HighLevelILInstruction, ControlFlow): @property def condition(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def default(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def cases(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(2, 3) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("condition", self.condition, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("default", self.default, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("cases", self.cases, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCase(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def values(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def body(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("values", self.values, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("body", self.body, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILBreak(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILContinue(HighLevelILInstruction, ControlFlow): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILJump(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRet(HighLevelILInstruction, Return): @property def src(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILNoret(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILUnreachable(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILGoto(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): @property def target(self) -> GotoLabel: return self.get_label(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("target",, "GotoLabel"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILLabel(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def target(self) -> GotoLabel: return self.get_label(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("target",, "GotoLabel"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVarDeclare(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def var(self) -> 'variable.Variable': return self.get_var(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("var", self.var, "Variable"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVarInit(HighLevelILInstruction, SetVar): @property def dest(self) -> 'variable.Variable': return self.get_var(0) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "Variable"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ] @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: return [self.dest]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVarInitSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SetVar, SSA): @property def dest(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(0, 1) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "SSAVariable"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ] @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: return [self.dest]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssign(HighLevelILInstruction, SetVar): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ] @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: if isinstance(self.dest, (HighLevelILSplit, HighLevelILVar, HighLevelILVarSsa)): return [*self.dest.vars, *self.src.vars_written] elif isinstance(self.dest, HighLevelILStructField): return [*self.dest.vars, *self.src.vars_written] else: return [*self.dest.vars_written, *self.src.vars_written]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssignUnpack(HighLevelILInstruction, SetVar): @property def dest(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ] @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: result = [] for i in self.dest: if isinstance(i, (HighLevelILVar, HighLevelILVarSsa)): result.append(i.var) else: result.extend(i.vars_written) return result
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssignMemSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def dest_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(3) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("dest_memory", self.dest_memory, "int"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssignUnpackMemSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA, Memory): @property def dest(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def dest_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(2) @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(3) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(4) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("dest_memory", self.dest_memory, "int"), ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVar(HighLevelILInstruction, VariableInstruction): @property def var(self) -> 'variable.Variable': return self.get_var(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("var", self.var, "Variable"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVarSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSAVariableInstruction): @property def var(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(0, 1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("var", self.var, "SSAVariable"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILVarPhi(HighLevelILInstruction, Phi, SetVar): @property def dest(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(0, 1) @property def src(self) -> List['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable']: return self.get_var_ssa_list(2, 3) @property def vars_written(self) -> VariablesList: return [self.dest] @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "SSAVariable"), ("src", self.src, "List[SSAVariable]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILMemPhi(HighLevelILInstruction, Memory, Phi): @property def dest(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def src(self) -> List[int]: return self.get_int_list(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "int"), ("src", self.src, "List[int]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILStructField(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def offset(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def member_index(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get_member_index(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("offset", self.offset, "int"), ("member_index", self.member_index, "Optional[int]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILArrayIndex(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def index(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("index", self.index, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILArrayIndexSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def index(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ("index", self.index, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSplit(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def high(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def low(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("high", self.high, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("low", self.low, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDeref(HighLevelILUnaryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDerefField(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def offset(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def member_index(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get_member_index(2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("offset", self.offset, "int"), ("member_index", self.member_index, "Optional[int]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDerefSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDerefFieldSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def src(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def offset(self) -> int: return self.get_int(2) @property def member_index(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.get_member_index(3) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("src", self.src, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ("offset", self.offset, "int"), ("member_index", self.member_index, "Optional[int]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAddressOf(HighLevelILUnaryBase): @property def vars_address_taken(self) -> VariablesList: if isinstance(self.src, (HighLevelILVar, HighLevelILVarSsa)): return [self.src.var] elif isinstance(self.src, HighLevelILStructField) and isinstance(self.src.src, (HighLevelILVar, HighLevelILVarSsa)): return [self.src.src.var] return [*self.src.vars_address_taken]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILConst(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant", self.constant, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILConstPtr(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant", self.constant, "int"), ] @property def string(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, StringType]]: return self.function.view.check_for_string_annotation_type(self.constant, True, True, 0)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILExternPtr(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def offset(self) -> int: return self.get_int(1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant", self.constant, "int"), ("offset", self.offset, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFloatConst(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant(self) -> float: return self.get_float(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant", self.constant, "float"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILImport(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant", self.constant, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILConstData(HighLevelILInstruction, Constant): @property def constant_data(self) -> variable.ConstantData: return self.get_constant_data(0, 1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("constant_data", self.constant_data, "ConstantData"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAdd(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAdc(HighLevelILCarryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSub(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSbb(HighLevelILCarryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAnd(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILOr(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILXor(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILLsl(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILLsr(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAsr(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRol(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRlc(HighLevelILCarryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRor(HighLevelILCarryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRrc(HighLevelILCarryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILMul(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILMuluDp(HighLevelILBinaryBase, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILMulsDp(Signed, HighLevelILBinaryBase, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDivu(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDivuDp(HighLevelILBinaryBase, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDivs(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILDivsDp(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Signed, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILModu(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILModuDp(HighLevelILBinaryBase, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILMods(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILModsDp(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Signed, DoublePrecision): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILNeg(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILNot(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSx(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILZx(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILLowPart(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCall(HighLevelILInstruction, Localcall): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(1, 2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCallSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, Localcall, SSA): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(1, 2) @property def dest_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(3) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(4) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("dest_memory", self.dest_memory, "int"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpE(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpNe(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpSlt(HighLevelILComparisonBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpUlt(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpSle(HighLevelILComparisonBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpUle(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpSge(HighLevelILComparisonBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpUge(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpSgt(HighLevelILComparisonBase, Signed): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCmpUgt(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILTestBit(HighLevelILComparisonBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILBoolToInt(HighLevelILUnaryBase): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAddOverflow(HighLevelILBinaryBase, Arithmetic): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSyscall(HighLevelILInstruction, Syscall): @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILSyscallSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, Syscall, SSA): @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(0, 1) @property def dest_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(2) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(3) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("dest_memory", self.dest_memory, "int"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILTailcall(HighLevelILInstruction, Tailcall): @property def dest(self) -> HighLevelILInstruction: return self.get_expr(0) @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(1, 2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("dest", self.dest, "HighLevelILInstruction"), ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILBp(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILTrap(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): @property def vector(self) -> int: return self.get_int(0) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("vector", self.vector, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILIntrinsic(HighLevelILInstruction, Intrinsic): @property def intrinsic(self) -> 'lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic': return self.get_intrinsic(0) @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(1, 2) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("intrinsic", self.intrinsic, "ILIntrinsic"), ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILIntrinsicSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def intrinsic(self) -> 'lowlevelil.ILIntrinsic': return self.get_intrinsic(0) @property def params(self) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: return self.get_expr_list(1, 2) @property def dest_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(3) @property def src_memory(self) -> int: return self.get_int(4) @property def detailed_operands(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HighLevelILOperandType, str]]: return [ ("intrinsic", self.intrinsic, "ILIntrinsic"), ("params", self.params, "List[HighLevelILInstruction]"), ("dest_memory", self.dest_memory, "int"), ("src_memory", self.src_memory, "int"), ]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILUndef(HighLevelILInstruction, Terminal): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILUnimpl(HighLevelILInstruction): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILUnimplMem(HighLevelILUnaryBase, Memory): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFadd(HighLevelILBinaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFsub(HighLevelILBinaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFmul(HighLevelILBinaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFdiv(HighLevelILBinaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFsqrt(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFneg(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFabs(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFloatToInt(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILIntToFloat(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFloatConv(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILRoundToInt(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFloor(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILCeil(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFtrunc(HighLevelILUnaryBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpE(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpNe(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpLt(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpLe(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpGe(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpGt(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpO(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILFcmpUo(HighLevelILComparisonBase, FloatingPoint): pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssert(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def src(self) -> variable.Variable: return self.get_var(0) @property def constraint(self) -> variable.PossibleValueSet: return self.get_constraint(1)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILAssertSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def src(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(0, 1) @property def constraint(self) -> variable.PossibleValueSet: return self.get_constraint(2)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILForceVer(HighLevelILInstruction): @property def dest(self) -> variable.Variable: return self.get_var(0) @property def src(self) -> variable.Variable: return self.get_var(1)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False, eq=False) class HighLevelILForceVerSsa(HighLevelILInstruction, SSA): @property def dest(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(0, 1) @property def src(self) -> 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable': return self.get_var_ssa(2, 3)
ILInstruction = { HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOP: HighLevelILNop, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BLOCK: HighLevelILBlock, # ("body", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IF: HighLevelILIf, # ("condition", "expr"), ("true", "expr"), ("false", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_WHILE: HighLevelILWhile, # ("condition", "expr"), ("body", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_WHILE_SSA: HighLevelILWhileSsa, # ("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("body", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DO_WHILE: HighLevelILDoWhile, # ("body", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DO_WHILE_SSA: HighLevelILDoWhileSsa, # ("body", "expr"), ("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FOR: HighLevelILFor, # ("init", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("update", "expr"), ("body", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FOR_SSA: HighLevelILForSsa, # ("init", "expr"), ("condition_phi", "expr"), ("condition", "expr"), ("update", "expr"), ("body", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SWITCH: HighLevelILSwitch, # ("condition", "expr"), ("default", "expr"), ("cases", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CASE: HighLevelILCase, # ("values", "expr_list"), ("body", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BREAK: HighLevelILBreak, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONTINUE: HighLevelILContinue, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_JUMP: HighLevelILJump, # ("dest", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RET: HighLevelILRet, # ("src", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NORET: HighLevelILNoret, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNREACHABLE: HighLevelILUnreachable, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_GOTO: HighLevelILGoto, # ("target", "label"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LABEL: HighLevelILLabel, # ("target", "label"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_DECLARE: HighLevelILVarDeclare, # ("var", "var"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_INIT: HighLevelILVarInit, # ("dest", "var"), ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_INIT_SSA: HighLevelILVarInitSsa, # ("dest", "var_ssa"), ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN: HighLevelILAssign, # ("dest", "expr"), ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK: HighLevelILAssignUnpack, # ("dest", "expr_list"), ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_MEM_SSA: HighLevelILAssignMemSsa, # ("dest", "expr"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK_MEM_SSA: HighLevelILAssignUnpackMemSsa, # ("dest", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR: HighLevelILVar, # ("var", "var"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_SSA: HighLevelILVarSsa, # ("var", "var_ssa"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_PHI: HighLevelILVarPhi, # ("dest", "var_ssa"), ("src", "var_ssa_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MEM_PHI: HighLevelILMemPhi, # ("dest", "int"), ("src", "int_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX: HighLevelILArrayIndex, # ("src", "expr"), ("index", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX_SSA: HighLevelILArrayIndexSsa, # ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), ("index", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SPLIT: HighLevelILSplit, # ("high", "expr"), ("low", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF: HighLevelILDeref, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_STRUCT_FIELD: HighLevelILStructField, # ("src", "expr"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_FIELD: HighLevelILDerefField, # ("src", "expr"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_SSA: HighLevelILDerefSsa, # ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_FIELD_SSA: HighLevelILDerefFieldSsa, # ("src", "expr"), ("src_memory", "int"), ("offset", "int"), ("member_index", "member_index"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADDRESS_OF: HighLevelILAddressOf, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST: HighLevelILConst, # ("constant", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_PTR: HighLevelILConstPtr, # ("constant", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_EXTERN_PTR: HighLevelILExternPtr, # ("constant", "int"), ("offset", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONST: HighLevelILFloatConst, # ("constant", "float"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IMPORT: HighLevelILImport, # ("constant", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_DATA: HighLevelILConstData, # [("constant_data", "constant_data")], HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADD: HighLevelILAdd, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADC: HighLevelILAdc, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SUB: HighLevelILSub, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SBB: HighLevelILSbb, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_AND: HighLevelILAnd, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_OR: HighLevelILOr, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_XOR: HighLevelILXor, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSL: HighLevelILLsl, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSR: HighLevelILLsr, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASR: HighLevelILAsr, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROL: HighLevelILRol, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RLC: HighLevelILRlc, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROR: HighLevelILRor, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RRC: HighLevelILRrc, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), ("carry", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MUL: HighLevelILMul, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULU_DP: HighLevelILMuluDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULS_DP: HighLevelILMulsDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU: HighLevelILDivu, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU_DP: HighLevelILDivuDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS: HighLevelILDivs, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS_DP: HighLevelILDivsDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU: HighLevelILModu, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU_DP: HighLevelILModuDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS: HighLevelILMods, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS_DP: HighLevelILModsDp, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NEG: HighLevelILNeg, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOT: HighLevelILNot, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SX: HighLevelILSx, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ZX: HighLevelILZx, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LOW_PART: HighLevelILLowPart, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CALL: HighLevelILCall, # ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CALL_SSA: HighLevelILCallSsa, # ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_E: HighLevelILCmpE, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_NE: HighLevelILCmpNe, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLT: HighLevelILCmpSlt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULT: HighLevelILCmpUlt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLE: HighLevelILCmpSle, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULE: HighLevelILCmpUle, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGE: HighLevelILCmpSge, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGE: HighLevelILCmpUge, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGT: HighLevelILCmpSgt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGT: HighLevelILCmpUgt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TEST_BIT: HighLevelILTestBit, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BOOL_TO_INT: HighLevelILBoolToInt, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADD_OVERFLOW: HighLevelILAddOverflow, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SYSCALL: HighLevelILSyscall, # ("params", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SYSCALL_SSA: HighLevelILSyscallSsa, # ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TAILCALL: HighLevelILTailcall, # ("dest", "expr"), ("params", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BP: HighLevelILBp, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TRAP: HighLevelILTrap, # ("vector", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INTRINSIC: HighLevelILIntrinsic, # ("intrinsic", "intrinsic"), ("params", "expr_list"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INTRINSIC_SSA: HighLevelILIntrinsicSsa, # ("intrinsic", "intrinsic"), ("params", "expr_list"), ("dest_memory", "int"), ("src_memory", "int"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNDEF: HighLevelILUndef, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL: HighLevelILUnimpl, # , HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL_MEM: HighLevelILUnimplMem, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FADD: HighLevelILFadd, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSUB: HighLevelILFsub, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FMUL: HighLevelILFmul, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FDIV: HighLevelILFdiv, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSQRT: HighLevelILFsqrt, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FNEG: HighLevelILFneg, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FABS: HighLevelILFabs, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT: HighLevelILFloatToInt, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT: HighLevelILIntToFloat, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONV: HighLevelILFloatConv, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROUND_TO_INT: HighLevelILRoundToInt, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOOR: HighLevelILFloor, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CEIL: HighLevelILCeil, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FTRUNC: HighLevelILFtrunc, # ("src", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_E: HighLevelILFcmpE, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_NE: HighLevelILFcmpNe, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LT: HighLevelILFcmpLt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LE: HighLevelILFcmpLe, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GE: HighLevelILFcmpGe, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GT: HighLevelILFcmpGt, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_O: HighLevelILFcmpO, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_UO: HighLevelILFcmpUo, # ("left", "expr"), ("right", "expr"), HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSERT: HighLevelILAssert, HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSERT_SSA: HighLevelILAssertSsa, HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FORCE_VER: HighLevelILForceVer, HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FORCE_VER_SSA: HighLevelILForceVerSsa, }
[docs] class HighLevelILFunction: """ ``class HighLevelILFunction`` contains the a HighLevelILInstruction object that makes up the abstract syntax tree of a function. """ def __init__( self, arch: Optional['architecture.Architecture'] = None, handle: Optional[core.BNHighLevelILFunction] = None, source_func: Optional['function.Function'] = None ): self._arch = arch self._source_function = source_func if handle is not None: HLILHandle = ctypes.POINTER(core.BNHighLevelILFunction) _handle = ctypes.cast(handle, HLILHandle) if self._source_function is None: self._source_function = function.Function(handle=core.BNGetHighLevelILOwnerFunction(_handle)) if self._arch is None: self._arch = self._source_function.arch else: if self._source_function is None: raise ValueError("IL functions must be created with an associated function") if self._arch is None: self._arch = self._source_function.arch if self._arch is None: raise ValueError("IL functions must be created with an associated Architecture") func_handle = self._source_function.handle _handle = core.BNCreateHighLevelILFunction(self._arch.handle, func_handle) assert self._source_function is not None assert self._arch is not None assert _handle is not None self.handle = _handle def __del__(self): if core is not None: core.BNFreeHighLevelILFunction(self.handle) def __repr__(self): arch = self.source_function.arch if arch: return "<hlil func: %s@%#x>" % (, self.source_function.start) else: return "<hlil func: %#x>" % self.source_function.start def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return ctypes.addressof(self.handle.contents) == ctypes.addressof(other.handle.contents) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash(('HLIL', self._source_function)) def __len__(self): return int(core.BNGetHighLevelILInstructionCount(self.handle)) def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> HighLevelILInstruction: if isinstance(i, slice) or isinstance(i, tuple): raise IndexError("expected integer index") if i < -len(self) or i >= len(self): raise IndexError("index out of range") if i < 0: i = len(self) + i return HighLevelILInstruction.create( self, ExpressionIndex(core.BNGetHighLevelILIndexForInstruction(self.handle, i)), False, InstructionIndex(i) ) def __setitem__(self, i, j): raise IndexError("instruction modification not implemented") def __iter__(self) -> Generator['HighLevelILBasicBlock', None, None]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() blocks = core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockList(self.handle, count) assert blocks is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockList returned None" view = None if self._source_function is not None: view = self._source_function.view try: for i in range(0, count.value): core_block = core.BNNewBasicBlockReference(blocks[i]) assert core_block is not None, "core.BNNewBasicBlockReference returned None" yield HighLevelILBasicBlock(core_block, self, view) finally: core.BNFreeBasicBlockList(blocks, count.value) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.root) @property def current_address(self) -> int: """Current IL Address (read/write)""" return core.BNHighLevelILGetCurrentAddress(self.handle) @current_address.setter def current_address(self, value: int) -> None: core.BNHighLevelILSetCurrentAddress(self.handle, self.arch.handle, value)
[docs] def set_current_address(self, value: int, arch: Optional['architecture.Architecture'] = None) -> None: if arch is None: arch = self.arch core.BNHighLevelILSetCurrentAddress(self.handle, arch.handle, value)
@property def root(self) -> Optional[HighLevelILInstruction]: """Root of the abstract syntax tree""" expr_index = core.BNGetHighLevelILRootExpr(self.handle) if expr_index >= core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.handle): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, ExpressionIndex(expr_index)) @root.setter def root(self, value: HighLevelILInstruction) -> None: core.BNSetHighLevelILRootExpr(self.handle, value.expr_index) def _basic_block_list(self): count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() blocks = core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockList(self.handle, count) assert blocks is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockList returned None" return count, blocks def _instantiate_block(self, handle): return HighLevelILBasicBlock(handle, self, self.view) @property def basic_blocks(self) -> 'function.HighLevelILBasicBlockList': return function.HighLevelILBasicBlockList(self)
[docs] def get_basic_block_at(self, index: int) -> Optional['basicblock.BasicBlock']: """ ``get_basic_block_at`` returns the BasicBlock at the given HLIL instruction ``index``. :param int index: Index of the HLIL instruction of the BasicBlock to retrieve. :Example: >>> current_il_function.get_basic_block_at(current_il_index) <llil block: x86@19-26> """ block = core.BNGetHighLevelILBasicBlockForInstruction(self.handle, index) if not block: return None view = None if self._source_function is not None: view = self._source_function.view return HighLevelILBasicBlock(block, self, view)
[docs] def traverse(self, cb: Callable[['HighLevelILInstruction', Any], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Any]: """ ``traverse`` iterates through all the instructions in the HighLevelILFunction and calls the callback function for each instruction and sub-instruction. See the `Developer Docs <>`_ for more examples. :param Callable[[HighLevelILInstruction, Any], Any] cb: The callback function to call for each node in the HighLevelILInstruction :param Any args: Custom user-defined arguments :param Any kwargs: Custom user-defined keyword arguments :return: An iterator of the results of the callback function :rtype: Iterator[Any] :Example: >>> # find all calls to memcpy where the third parameter is not a constant >>> def find_non_constant_memcpy(i, target) -> HighLevelILInstruction: ... match i: ... case Localcall(dest=Constant(constant=c), params=[_, _, p]) if c == target and not isinstance(p, Constant): ... return i >>> target_address = bv.get_symbol_by_raw_name('_memcpy').address >>> for result in current_il_function.traverse(find_non_constant_memcpy, target_address): ... print(f"Found suspicious memcpy: {repr(i)}") """ root = self.root if root is None: raise ValueError("HighLevelILFunction has no root") if not isinstance(root, HighLevelILBlock): root = [root] for instr in root: yield from instr.traverse(cb, *args, shallow=False, **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILFunction.traverse` instead.") def visit(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback) -> bool: """ Iterates over all the instructions in the function and calls the callback function for each instruction and each sub-instruction. :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback function returned False. """ for instr in self.instructions: if not instr.visit(cb): return False return True
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILFunction.traverse` instead.") def visit_all(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback) -> bool: """ Iterates over all the instructions in the function and calls the callback function for each instruction and their operands. :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback function returned False. """ for instr in self.instructions: if not instr.visit_all(cb): return False return True
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="4.0.4907", details="Use :py:func:`HighLevelILFunction.traverse` instead.") def visit_operands(self, cb: HighLevelILVisitorCallback) -> bool: """ Iterates over all the instructions in the function and calls the callback function for each operand and the operands of each sub-instruction. :param HighLevelILVisitorCallback cb: Callback function that takes the name of the operand, the operand, operand type, and parent instruction :return: True if all instructions were visited, False if the callback function returned False. """ for instr in self.instructions: if not instr.visit_operands(cb): return False return True
@property def instructions(self) -> Generator[HighLevelILInstruction, None, None]: """A generator of hlil instructions of the current function""" for block in self.basic_blocks: yield from block @property def ssa_form(self) -> 'HighLevelILFunction': """High level IL in SSA form (read-only)""" result = core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAForm(self.handle) assert result is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAForm returned None" return HighLevelILFunction(self._arch, result, self._source_function) @property def non_ssa_form(self) -> Optional['HighLevelILFunction']: """High level IL in non-SSA (default) form (read-only)""" result = core.BNGetHighLevelILNonSSAForm(self.handle) if not result: return None return HighLevelILFunction(self._arch, result, self._source_function) @property def arch(self) -> 'architecture.Architecture': assert self._arch is not None return self._arch @property def view(self) -> 'binaryview.BinaryView': return self.source_function.view @property def source_function(self) -> 'function.Function': assert self._source_function is not None return self._source_function @source_function.setter def source_function(self, value: 'function.Function') -> None: self._source_function = value @property def medium_level_il(self) -> Optional['mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction']: """Medium level IL for this function""" result = core.BNGetMediumLevelILForHighLevelILFunction(self.handle) if not result: return None return mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction(self._arch, result, self._source_function) @property def mlil(self) -> Optional['mediumlevelil.MediumLevelILFunction']: """Alias for medium_level_il""" return self.medium_level_il
[docs] def get_ssa_instruction_index(self, instr: int) -> int: return core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAInstructionIndex(self.handle, instr)
[docs] def get_non_ssa_instruction_index(self, instr: int) -> int: return core.BNGetHighLevelILNonSSAInstructionIndex(self.handle, instr)
[docs] def get_ssa_var_definition(self, ssa_var: Union['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable', HighLevelILVarSsa]) -> Optional[HighLevelILInstruction]: """ Gets the instruction that contains the given SSA variable's definition. Since SSA variables can only be defined once, this will return the single instruction where that occurs. For SSA variable version 0s, which don't have definitions, this will return None instead. """ if isinstance(ssa_var, HighLevelILVarSsa): ssa_var = ssa_var.var if not isinstance(ssa_var, mediumlevelil.SSAVariable): raise ValueError("Expected SSAVariable") var_data = ssa_var.var.to_BNVariable() result = core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAVarDefinition(self.handle, var_data, ssa_var.version) if result >= core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.handle): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, ExpressionIndex(result))
[docs] def get_ssa_memory_definition(self, version: int) -> Optional[HighLevelILInstruction]: result = core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAMemoryDefinition(self.handle, version) if result >= core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.handle): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, ExpressionIndex(result))
[docs] def get_ssa_var_uses(self, ssa_var: Union['mediumlevelil.SSAVariable', HighLevelILVarSsa]) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: """ Gets all the instructions that use the given SSA variable. """ if isinstance(ssa_var, HighLevelILVarSsa): ssa_var = ssa_var.var if not isinstance(ssa_var, mediumlevelil.SSAVariable): raise ValueError("Expected SSAVariable") count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() var_data = ssa_var.var.to_BNVariable() instrs = core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAVarUses(self.handle, var_data, ssa_var.version, count) assert instrs is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAVarUses returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, instrs[i])) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(instrs) return result
[docs] def get_ssa_memory_uses(self, version: int) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() instrs = core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAMemoryUses(self.handle, version, count) assert instrs is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILSSAMemoryUses returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, instrs[i])) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(instrs) return result
[docs] def is_ssa_var_live(self, ssa_var: 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable') -> bool: """ ``is_ssa_var_live`` determines if ``ssa_var`` is live at any point in the function :param SSAVariable ssa_var: the SSA variable to query :return: whether the variable is live at any point in the function :rtype: bool """ var_data = ssa_var.var.to_BNVariable() return core.BNIsHighLevelILSSAVarLive(self.handle, var_data, ssa_var.version)
[docs] def is_var_live_at(self, var: 'variable.Variable', instr: InstructionIndex) -> bool: """ ``is_var_live_at`` determines if ``var`` is live at a given point in the function """ return core.BNIsHighLevelILVarLiveAt(self.handle, var.to_BNVariable(), instr)
[docs] def is_ssa_var_live_at(self, ssa_var: 'mediumlevelil.SSAVariable', instr: InstructionIndex) -> bool: """ ``is_ssa_var_live_at`` determines if ``ssa_var`` is live at a given point in the function; counts phi's as uses """ return core.BNIsHighLevelILSSAVarLiveAt(self.handle, ssa_var.var.to_BNVariable(), ssa_var.version, instr)
[docs] def get_var_definitions(self, var: 'variable.Variable') -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() var_data = var.to_BNVariable() instrs = core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableDefinitions(self.handle, var_data, count) assert instrs is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableDefinitions returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, instrs[i])) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(instrs) return result
[docs] def get_var_uses(self, var: 'variable.Variable') -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() var_data = var.to_BNVariable() instrs = core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableUses(self.handle, var_data, count) assert instrs is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableUses returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, instrs[i])) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(instrs) return result
[docs] def expr( self, operation: Union[str, HighLevelILOperation], a: int = 0, b: int = 0, c: int = 0, d: int = 0, e: int = 0, size: int = 0, source_location: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: if isinstance(operation, str): operation_value = HighLevelILOperation[operation] else: assert isinstance(operation, HighLevelILOperation) operation_value = operation.value if source_location is not None: return ExpressionIndex(core.BNHighLevelILAddExprWithLocation( self.handle, operation_value, source_location.address, source_location.source_operand, size, a, b, c, d, e )) else: return ExpressionIndex(core.BNHighLevelILAddExpr(self.handle, operation_value, size, a, b, c, d, e))
[docs] def get_expr_count(self) -> int: """ ``get_expr_count`` gives a the total number of expressions in this IL function You can use this to enumerate all expressions in conjunction with :py:func:`get_expr` .. warning :: Not all IL expressions are valid, even if their index is within the bounds of the function, they might not be used by the function and might not contain properly structured data. :return: The number of expressions in the function """ return core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.handle)
[docs] def get_expr(self, index: ExpressionIndex, as_ast: bool = True) -> Optional[HighLevelILInstruction]: """ ``get_expr`` retrieves the IL expression at a given expression index in the function. .. warning :: Not all IL expressions are valid, even if their index is within the bounds of the function, they might not be used by the function and might not contain properly structured data. :param index: Index of desired expression in function :param as_ast: Whether to return the expression as a full AST or a single instruction (defaults to AST) :return: A HighLevelILInstruction object for the expression, if it exists. Otherwise, None """ if index >= self.get_expr_count(): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, index, as_ast)
[docs] def copy_expr(self, original: HighLevelILInstruction) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``copy_expr`` adds an expression to the function which is equivalent to the given expression :param HighLevelILInstruction original: the original IL Instruction you want to copy :return: The index of the newly copied expression """ return self.expr( original.operation, original.raw_operands[0], original.raw_operands[1], original.raw_operands[2], original.raw_operands[3], original.raw_operands[4], original.size, original.source_location )
[docs] def replace_expr(self, original: InstructionOrExpression, new: InstructionOrExpression) -> None: """ ``replace_expr`` allows modification of HLIL expressions :param ExpressionIndex original: the ExpressionIndex to replace (may also be an expression index) :param ExpressionIndex new: the ExpressionIndex to add to the current HighLevelILFunction (may also be an expression index) :rtype: None """ if isinstance(original, HighLevelILInstruction): original = original.expr_index elif isinstance(original, int): original = ExpressionIndex(original) if isinstance(new, HighLevelILInstruction): new = new.expr_index elif isinstance(new, int): new = ExpressionIndex(new) core.BNReplaceHighLevelILExpr(self.handle, original, new)
[docs] def set_expr_attributes(self, expr: InstructionOrExpression, value: ILInstructionAttributeSet): """ ``set_expr_attributes`` allows modification of instruction attributes but ONLY during lifting. .. warning:: This function should ONLY be called as a part of a lifter. It will otherwise not do anything useful as there's no way to trigger re-analysis of IL levels at this time. :param ExpressionIndex expr: the ExpressionIndex to replace (may also be an expression index) :param set(ILInstructionAttribute) value: the set of attributes to place on the instruction :rtype: None """ if isinstance(expr, HighLevelILInstruction): expr = expr.expr_index elif isinstance(expr, int): expr = ExpressionIndex(expr) result = 0 for flag in value: result |= flag.value core.BNSetHighLevelILExprAttributes(self.handle, expr, result)
[docs] def nop(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``nop`` no operation, this instruction does nothing :param ILSourceLocation loc: Location of expression :return: The no operation expression :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOP, source_location=loc)
[docs] def block( self, exprs: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``block`` a block expression containing multiple child expressions :param List[ExpressionIndex] exprs: child expressions in the block :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression `` { exprs... } `` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BLOCK, len(exprs), self.add_operand_list(exprs), source_location=loc)
[docs] def if_expr( self, condition: ExpressionIndex, true_expr: ExpressionIndex, false_expr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``if_expr`` an if-statement expression with a condition and true/false branches. An ``else`` statement is included if the false_expr is not a NOP expression :param ExpressionIndex condition: expression for the condition to test :param ExpressionIndex true_expr: expression for the true branch :param ExpressionIndex false_expr: expression for the false branch :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``if (condition) { true_expr } else { false_expr }`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IF, condition, true_expr, false_expr, source_location=loc)
[docs] def while_expr( self, condition: ExpressionIndex, loop_expr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``while_expr`` a while-loop expression with a condition and loop body. :param ExpressionIndex condition: expression for the loop condition :param ExpressionIndex loop_expr: expression for the loop body :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``while (condition) { loop_expr }`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_WHILE, condition, loop_expr, source_location=loc)
[docs] def do_while_expr( self, condition: ExpressionIndex, loop_expr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``do_while_expr`` a do-while-loop expression with a condition and loop body. :param ExpressionIndex condition: expression for the loop condition :param ExpressionIndex loop_expr: expression for the loop body :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``do { loop_expr } while (condition)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DO_WHILE, condition, loop_expr, source_location=loc)
[docs] def for_expr( self, init_expr: ExpressionIndex, condition: ExpressionIndex, update_expr: ExpressionIndex, loop_expr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``for-expr`` a for-loop expression with an initializer, condition, updater, and loop body. :param ExpressionIndex init_expr: expression for the loop initializer :param ExpressionIndex condition: expression for the loop condition :param ExpressionIndex update_expr: expression for the loop updater :param ExpressionIndex loop_expr: expression for the loop body :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``for (init_expr ; condition ; update_expr) { loop_expr }`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FOR, init_expr, condition, update_expr, loop_expr, source_location=loc)
[docs] def switch( self, condition: ExpressionIndex, default_expr: ExpressionIndex, cases: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``switch`` a switch expression with a condition, cases, and default case :param ExpressionIndex condition: expression for the switch condition :param ExpressionIndex default_expr: expression for the default branch :param List[ExpressionIndex] cases: list of expressions for the switch cases :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``switch (condition) { cases...: ... default: default_expr }`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SWITCH, condition, default_expr, len(cases), self.add_operand_list(cases), source_location=loc)
[docs] def case( self, values: List[ExpressionIndex], expr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``case`` a switch case for values ``values`` with body ``expr`` :param List[ExpressionIndex] values: matched values for the case :param ExpressionIndex expr: body of switch case :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``case values...: { expr }`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CASE, len(values), self.add_operand_list(values), expr, source_location=loc)
[docs] def break_expr(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``break`` break out of a loop or switch statement :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``break`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BREAK, source_location=loc)
[docs] def continue_expr(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``continue`` continue to the top of a loop statement :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``continue`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONTINUE, source_location=loc)
[docs] def jump(self, dest: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``jump`` unconditionally branch to an expression by value :param ExpressionIndex dest: target of the jump :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``jump(dest)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_JUMP, dest, source_location=loc)
[docs] def ret(self, sources: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``ret`` returns an expression which jumps (branches) to the calling function, returning a result specified by the expressions in ``sources``. :param List[ExpressionIndex] sources: list of returned expressions :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``return sources...`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RET, len(sources), self.add_operand_list(sources), source_location=loc)
[docs] def no_ret(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``no_ret`` returns an expression that halts execution :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``noreturn`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NORET, source_location=loc)
[docs] def unreachable(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``unreachable`` returns an expression that is unreachable and should be omitted during analysis :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``unreachable`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNREACHABLE, source_location=loc)
[docs] def goto(self, target: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``goto`` unconditionally branch to a label :param int target: target of the goto :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``goto(target)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_GOTO, target, source_location=loc)
[docs] def label(self, target: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``label`` create a label expression at a target :param int target: target of the label :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``target:`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LABEL, target, source_location=loc)
[docs] def var_declare(self, var: 'variable.Variable', loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``var_declare`` declare a variable in the current scope :param Variable var: location of variable being declared :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``var`` (no assignment or anything) :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_DECLARE, var.identifier, source_location=loc)
[docs] def var_init( self, size: int, dest: 'variable.Variable', src: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``var_init`` declare and assign a variable in the current scope of size ``size`` :param int size: size of the variable :param Variable dest: location of variable being declared :param ExpressionIndex src: value being assigned to the variable :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``dest = src`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR_INIT, dest.identifier, src, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def assign( self, size: int, dest: ExpressionIndex, src: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``assign`` assign expression ``src`` to expression ``dest`` :param int size: size of the expression :param ExpressionIndex dest: expression being assigned :param ExpressionIndex src: value being assigned to the expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``dest = src`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN, dest, src, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def assign_unpack( self, size: int, output: List[ExpressionIndex], src: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``assign_unpack`` assign expression ``src`` to a list of expressions in ``output`` of size ``size`` :param int size: size of the expression :param List[ExpressionIndex] output: expressions being assigned :param ExpressionIndex src: value being assigned to the expressions :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``output... = src`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASSIGN_UNPACK, len(output), self.add_operand_list(output), src, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def var(self, size: int, src: 'variable.Variable', loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``var`` returns the variable ``src`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the variable in bytes :param Variable src: the variable being read :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: An expression for the given variable :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_VAR, src.identifier, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def struct_field( self, size: int, src: ExpressionIndex, offset: int, member_index: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``struct_field`` returns the structure field at offset ``offset`` and index ``member_index`` from expression ``src`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the field in bytes :param ExpressionIndex src: the expression being read :param int offset: offset of field in the structure :param int member_index: index of field in the structure :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``src:offset.size`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_STRUCT_FIELD, src, offset, member_index, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def split( self, size: int, hi: ExpressionIndex, lo: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``var_split`` combines expressions ``hi`` and ``lo`` of size ``size`` into an expression of size ``2*size`` :param int size: the size of each expression in bytes :param ExpressionIndex hi: the expression holding high part of value :param ExpressionIndex lo: the expression holding low part of value :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``hi:lo`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SPLIT, hi, lo, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def array_index( self, size: int, src: ExpressionIndex, idx: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``array_index`` references an item at index ``idx`` in the array in ``src`` of size ``size`` :param int size: size of the item in the array :param ExpressionIndex src: expression for the array :param ExpressionIndex idx: expression for the index into the array :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``src[idx].size`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ARRAY_INDEX, src, idx, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def deref(self, size: int, src: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation']) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``deref`` dereferences expression ``src`` and reads a value of size ``size`` :param int size: size of the read :param ExpressionIndex src: expression being read :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``(*src).size`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF, src, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def deref_field( self, size: int, src: ExpressionIndex, offset: int, member_index: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``deref_field`` dereferences structure field in expression ``src`` at offset ``offset`` and index ``member_index`` of size ``size`` :param int size: size of the read :param ExpressionIndex src: expression of structure being read :param int offset: offset of field in the structure :param int member_index: index of field in the structure :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``src->offset.size`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DEREF_FIELD, src, offset, member_index, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def address_of(self, src: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``address_of`` takes the address of ``src`` :param ExpressionIndex src: the expression having its address taken :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``&src`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADDRESS_OF, src, size=0, source_location=loc)
[docs] def const(self, size: int, value: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``const`` returns an expression for the constant integer ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the constant in bytes :param int value: integer value of the constant :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def const_pointer(self, size: int, value: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``const_pointer`` returns an expression for the constant pointer ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the pointer in bytes :param int value: address referenced by the pointer :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_PTR, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def extern_pointer( self, size: int, value: int, offset: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``extern_pointer`` returns an expression for the external pointer ``value`` at offset ``offset`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the pointer in bytes :param int value: address referenced by the pointer :param int offset: offset applied to the address :param loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_EXTERN_PTR, value, offset, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_const_raw(self, size: int, value: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_const_raw`` returns an expression for the constant raw binary floating point value ``value`` with size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the constant in bytes :param int value: integer value for the raw binary representation of the constant :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONST, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_const_single(self, value: float, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_const_single`` returns an expression for the single precision floating point value ``value`` :param float value: float value for the constant :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONST, struct.unpack("I", struct.pack("f", value))[0], size=4, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_const_double(self, value: float, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_const_double`` returns an expression for the double precision floating point value ``value`` :param float value: float value for the constant :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONST, struct.unpack("Q", struct.pack("d", value))[0], size=8, source_location=loc)
[docs] def imported_address(self, size: int, value: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``imported_address`` returns an expression for an imported value with address ``value`` and size ``size`` :param int size: size of the imported value :param int value: address of the imported value :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_IMPORT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def const_data(self, size: int, data: 'variable.ConstantData', loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``const_data`` returns an expression for the constant data ``data`` :param int size: size of the data :param ConstantData data: value of the data :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: A constant expression of given value and size :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CONST_DATA, data.type, data.value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def add( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``add`` adds expression ``a`` to expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``add.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADD,a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def add_carry( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, carry: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``add_carry`` adds expression ``a`` to expression ``b`` with carry from ``carry`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ExpressionIndex carry: Carried value expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``adc.<size>(a, b, carry)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ADC, a, b, carry, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def sub( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``sub`` subtracts expression ``a`` to expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``sub.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SUB, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def sub_borrow( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, carry: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``sub_borrow`` subtracts expression ``a`` to expression ``b`` with borrow from ``carry`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ExpressionIndex carry: Carried value expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``sbb.<size>(a, b, carry)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SBB, a, b, carry, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def and_expr( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``and_expr`` bitwise and's expression ``a`` and expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``and.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_AND, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def or_expr( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``or_expr`` bitwise or's expression ``a`` and expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``or.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_OR, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def xor_expr( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``xor_expr`` xor's expression ``a`` and expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``xor.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_XOR, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def shift_left( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``shift_left`` left shifts expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``lsl.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSL, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def logical_shift_right( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``logical_shift_right`` logically right shifts expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``lsr.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LSR, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def arith_shift_right( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``arith_shift_right`` arithmetically right shifts expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``asr.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ASR, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def rotate_left( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``rotate_left`` bitwise rotates left expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``rol.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROL, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def rotate_left_carry( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, carry: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``rotate_left_carry`` bitwise rotates left expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` with carry from ``carry`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ExpressionIndex carry: Carried value expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``rlc.<size>(a, b, carry)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RLC, a, b, carry, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def rotate_right( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``rotate_right`` bitwise rotates right expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``ror.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROR, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def rotate_right_carry( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, carry: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``rotate_right_carry`` bitwise rotates right expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` with carry from ``carry`` returning an expression of ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ExpressionIndex carry: Carried value expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``rrc.<size>(a, b, carry)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_RRC, a, b, carry, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mult( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mult`` multiplies expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands and return value are ``size`` bytes as the product's upper half is discarded. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``mult.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MUL, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mult_double_prec_signed( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mult_double_prec_signed`` signed multiplies expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands are ``size`` bytes and the returned expression is of size ``2*size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``muls.dp.<2*size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULS_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mult_double_prec_unsigned( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mult_double_prec_unsigned`` unsigned multiplies expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returnisan expression. Both the operands are ``size`` bytes and the returned expression is of size ``2*size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``mulu.dp.<2*size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MULU_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def div_signed( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``div_signed`` signed divides expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands and return value are ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``divs.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def div_double_prec_signed( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``div_double_prec_signed`` signed divides double precision expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. The first operand is of size ``2*size`` bytes and the other operand and return value are of size ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``divs.dp.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVS_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def div_unsigned( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``div_unsigned`` unsigned divides expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands and return value are ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``divu.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def div_double_prec_unsigned( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``div_double_prec_unsigned`` unsigned divides double precision expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. The first operand is of size ``2*size`` bytes and the other operand and return value are of size ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``divu.dp.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_DIVU_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mod_signed( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mod_signed`` signed modulus expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands and return value are ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``mods.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mod_double_prec_signed( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mod_double_prec_signed`` signed modulus double precision expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. The first operand is of size ``2*size`` bytes and the other operand and return value are of size ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``mods.dp.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODS_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mod_unsigned( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mod_unsigned`` unsigned modulus expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. Both the operands and return value are ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``modu.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def mod_double_prec_unsigned( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``mod_double_prec_unsigned`` unsigned modulus double precision expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returns an expression. The first operand is of size ``2*size`` bytes and the other operand and return value are of size ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result and input operands, in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``modu.dp.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_MODU_DP, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def neg_expr(self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``neg_expr`` two's complement sign negation of expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to negate :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``neg.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NEG, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def not_expr(self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``not_expr`` bitwise inversion of expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to bitwise invert :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``not.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_NOT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def sign_extend(self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``sign_extend`` two's complement sign-extends the expression in ``value`` to ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to sign extend :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``sx.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SX, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def zero_extend(self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``zero_extend`` zero-extends the expression in ``value`` to ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to zero extend :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``zx.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ZX, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def low_part(self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``low_part`` truncates the expression in ``value`` to ``size`` bytes :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to zero extend :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``(value).<size>`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_LOW_PART, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def call( self, dest: ExpressionIndex, params: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``call`` returns an expression which calls the function in the expression ``dest`` with the parameters defined in ``params`` :param ExpressionIndex dest: the expression to call :param List[ExpressionIndex] params: parameter variables :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``call(dest, params...)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr( HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CALL, dest, len(params), self.add_operand_list(params), size=0, source_location=loc )
[docs] def system_call( self, params: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``system_call`` returns an expression which performs a system call with the parameters defined in ``params`` :param List[ExpressionIndex] params: parameter variables :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``syscall(dest, params...)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr( HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_SYSCALL, len(params), self.add_operand_list(params), size=0, source_location=loc )
[docs] def tailcall( self, dest: ExpressionIndex, params: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``tailcall`` returns an expression which tailcalls the function in the expression ``dest`` with the parameters defined in ``params`` :param ExpressionIndex dest: the expression to call :param List[ExpressionIndex] params: parameter variables :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``tailcall(dest, params...)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr( HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TAILCALL, dest, len(params), self.add_operand_list(params), size=0, source_location=loc )
[docs] def compare_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_E, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_not_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_not_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is not equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_NE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_signed_less_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_signed_less_than`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is signed less than expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_unsigned_less_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_unsigned_less_than`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is unsigned less than expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_signed_less_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_signed_less_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is signed less than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SLE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_unsigned_less_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_unsigned_less_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is unsigned less than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_ULE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_signed_greater_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_signed_greater_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is signed greater than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_unsigned_greater_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_unsigned_greater_equal`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is unsigned greater than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_signed_greater_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_signed_greater_than`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is signed greater than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_SGT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def compare_unsigned_greater_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``compare_unsigned_greater_than`` returns comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is unsigned greater than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS of comparison :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS of comparison :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a comparison expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CMP_UGT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def test_bit(self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``test_bit`` returns an expression of size ``size`` that tells whether expression ``a`` has its bit with an index of the expression ``b`` is set :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: an expression to be tested :param ExpressionIndex b: an expression for the index of the big :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: the result expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TEST_BIT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def bool_to_int(self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``bool_to_int`` returns an expression of size ``size`` converting the boolean expression ``a`` to an integer :param int size: size in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: boolean expression to be converted :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: the converted integer expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BOOL_TO_INT, a, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def breakpoint(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``breakpoint`` returns a processor breakpoint expression. :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a breakpoint expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_BP, source_location=loc)
[docs] def trap(self, value: int, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``trap`` returns a processor trap (interrupt) expression of the given integer ``value``. :param int value: trap (interrupt) number :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: a trap expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_TRAP, value, source_location=loc)
[docs] def intrinsic( self, intrinsic: 'architecture.IntrinsicType', params: List[ExpressionIndex], loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ): """ ``intrinsic`` return an intrinsic expression. :param IntrinsicType intrinsic: which intrinsic to call :param List[ExpressionIndex] params: parameters to intrinsic :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: an intrinsic expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr( HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INTRINSIC, self.arch.get_intrinsic_index(intrinsic), len(params), self.add_operand_list(params), size=0, source_location=loc )
[docs] def undefined(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``undefined`` returns the undefined expression. This should be used for instructions which perform functions but aren't important for dataflow or partial emulation purposes. :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: the undefined expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNDEF, source_location=loc)
[docs] def unimplemented(self, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``unimplemented`` returns the unimplemented expression. This should be used for all instructions which aren't implemented. :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: the unimplemented expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL, source_location=loc)
[docs] def unimplemented_memory_ref(self, size: int, addr: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``unimplemented_memory_ref`` a memory reference to expression ``addr`` of size ``size`` with unimplemented operation. :param int size: size in bytes of the memory reference :param ExpressionIndex addr: expression to reference memory :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: the unimplemented memory reference expression. :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_UNIMPL_MEM, addr, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_add( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_add`` adds floating point expression ``a`` to expression ``b`` and returning an expression of ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fadd.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FADD,a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_sub( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_sub`` subtracts floating point expression ``b`` from expression ``a`` and returning an expression of ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fsub.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSUB, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_mult( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_mult`` multiplies floating point expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returning an expression of ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fmul.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FMUL, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_div( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_div`` divides floating point expression ``a`` by expression ``b`` and returning an expression of ``size`` bytes. :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fdiv.<size>(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FDIV, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_sqrt( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_sqrt`` returns square root of floating point expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to calculate the square root of :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``sqrt.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FSQRT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_neg( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_neg`` returns sign negation of floating point expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to negate :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fneg.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FNEG, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_abs( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_abs`` returns absolute value of floating point expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to get the absolute value of :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fabs.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FABS, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_to_int( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_to_int`` returns integer value of floating point expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to convert to an int :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``int.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_TO_INT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def int_to_float( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``int_to_float`` returns floating point value of integer expression ``value`` of size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to convert to a float :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``float.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_INT_TO_FLOAT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_convert( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``int_to_float`` converts floating point value of expression ``value`` to size ``size`` :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to negate :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``fconvert.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOAT_CONV, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def round_to_int( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``round_to_int`` rounds a floating point value to the nearest integer :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to round to the nearest integer :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``roundint.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_ROUND_TO_INT, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def floor( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``floor`` rounds a floating point value to an integer towards negative infinity :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to round down :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``roundint.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FLOOR, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def ceil( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``ceil`` rounds a floating point value to an integer towards positive infinity :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to round up :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``roundint.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_CEIL, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_trunc( self, size: int, value: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_trunc`` rounds a floating point value to an integer towards zero :param int size: the size of the result in bytes :param ExpressionIndex value: the expression to truncate :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``roundint.<size>(value)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FTRUNC, value, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_equal`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f== b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_E, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_not_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_not_equal`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is not equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f!= b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_NE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_less_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_less_than`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is less than expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f< b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_less_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_less_equal`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is less than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f<= b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_LE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_greater_equal( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_greater_equal`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is greater than or equal to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f>= b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GE, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_greater_than( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_greater_than`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is greater than expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``a f> b`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_GT, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_ordered( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_ordered`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is ordered relative to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``is_ordered(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_O, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def float_compare_unordered( self, size: int, a: ExpressionIndex, b: ExpressionIndex, loc: Optional['ILSourceLocation'] = None ) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``float_compare_unordered`` returns floating point comparison expression of size ``size`` checking if expression ``a`` is unordered relative to expression ``b`` :param int size: the size of the operands in bytes :param ExpressionIndex a: LHS expression :param ExpressionIndex b: RHS expression :param ILSourceLocation loc: location of returned expression :return: The expression ``is_unordered(a, b)`` :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ return self.expr(HighLevelILOperation.HLIL_FCMP_UO, a, b, size=size, source_location=loc)
[docs] def add_operand_list(self, operands: List[int]) -> ExpressionIndex: """ ``add_operand_list`` returns an operand list expression for the given list of integer operands. :param list(int) operands: list of operand numbers :return: an operand list expression :rtype: ExpressionIndex """ operand_list = (ctypes.c_ulonglong * len(operands))() for i in range(len(operands)): operand_list[i] = operands[i] return ExpressionIndex(core.BNHighLevelILAddOperandList(self.handle, operand_list, len(operands)))
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: """ ``finalize`` ends the function and computes the list of basic blocks. :rtype: None """ core.BNFinalizeHighLevelILFunction(self.handle)
[docs] def generate_ssa_form(self, variables: Optional[List["variable.Variable"]] = None) -> None: """ ``generate_ssa_form`` generate SSA form given the current HLIL :param list(Variable) variables: optional list of aliased variables :rtype: None """ if variables is None: variables = [] variable_list = (core.BNVariable * len(variables))() for i in range(len(variables)): variable_list[i] = variables[i].to_BNVariable() core.BNGenerateHighLevelILSSAForm(self.handle, variable_list, len(variable_list))
[docs] def create_graph(self, settings: Optional['function.DisassemblySettings'] = None) -> 'flowgraph.CoreFlowGraph': if settings is not None: settings_obj = settings.handle else: settings_obj = None return flowgraph.CoreFlowGraph(core.BNCreateHighLevelILFunctionGraph(self.handle, settings_obj))
@property def il_form(self) -> FunctionGraphType: if len(list(self.basic_blocks)) < 1: return FunctionGraphType.InvalidILViewType return FunctionGraphType(core.BNGetBasicBlockFunctionGraphType(list(self.basic_blocks)[0].handle)) @property def vars(self) -> Union[List["variable.Variable"], List["mediumlevelil.SSAVariable"]]: """This gets just the HLIL variables - you may be interested in the union of `HighLevelIlFunction.source_function.parameter_vars` and `HighLevelIlFunction.aliased_vars` as well for all the variables used in the function""" if self.source_function is None: return [] if self.il_form == FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILSSAFormFunctionGraph: return self.ssa_vars if self.il_form == FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILFunctionGraph: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() core_variables = core.BNGetHighLevelILVariables(self.handle, count) assert core_variables is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILVariables returned None" try: result = [] for var_i in range(count.value): result.append( variable.Variable( self, core_variables[var_i].type, core_variables[var_i].index, core_variables[var_i].storage ) ) return result finally: core.BNFreeVariableList(core_variables) return [] @property def aliased_vars(self) -> List["variable.Variable"]: """This returns a list of Variables that are taken reference to and used elsewhere. You may also wish to consider `HighLevelIlFunction.vars` and `HighLevelIlFunction.source_function.parameter_vars`""" if self.source_function is None: return [] if self.il_form in [ FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILFunctionGraph, FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILSSAFormFunctionGraph ]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() core_variables = core.BNGetHighLevelILAliasedVariables(self.handle, count) assert core_variables is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILAliasedVariables returned None" try: result = [] for var_i in range(count.value): result.append( variable.Variable( self, core_variables[var_i].type, core_variables[var_i].index, core_variables[var_i].storage ) ) return result finally: core.BNFreeVariableList(core_variables) return [] @property def ssa_vars(self) -> List["mediumlevelil.SSAVariable"]: """This gets just the HLIL SSA variables - you may be interested in the union of `HighLevelIlFunction.source_function.parameter_vars` and `HighLevelIlFunction.aliased_vars` for all the variables used in the function""" if self.source_function is None: return [] if self.il_form == FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILSSAFormFunctionGraph: variable_count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() core_variables = core.BNGetHighLevelILVariables(self.handle, variable_count) assert core_variables is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILVariables returned None" try: result = [] for var_i in range(variable_count.value): version_count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() versions = core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableSSAVersions( self.handle, core_variables[var_i], version_count ) assert versions is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILVariableSSAVersions returned None" try: for version_i in range(version_count.value): result.append( mediumlevelil.SSAVariable( variable.Variable( self, core_variables[var_i].type, core_variables[var_i].index, core_variables[var_i].storage ), versions[version_i] ) ) finally: core.BNFreeILInstructionList(versions) return result finally: core.BNFreeVariableList(core_variables) elif self.il_form == FunctionGraphType.HighLevelILFunctionGraph: return self.ssa_form.ssa_vars return []
[docs] def get_medium_level_il_expr_index(self, expr: ExpressionIndex) -> Optional['mediumlevelil.ExpressionIndex']: medium_il = self.medium_level_il if medium_il is None: return None medium_il = medium_il.ssa_form if medium_il is None: return None result = core.BNGetMediumLevelILExprIndexFromHighLevelIL(self.handle, expr) if result >= core.BNGetMediumLevelILExprCount(medium_il.handle): return None return mediumlevelil.ExpressionIndex(result)
[docs] def get_medium_level_il_expr_indexes(self, expr: ExpressionIndex) -> List['mediumlevelil.ExpressionIndex']: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() exprs = core.BNGetMediumLevelILExprIndexesFromHighLevelIL(self.handle, expr, count) assert exprs is not None, "core.BNGetMediumLevelILExprIndexesFromHighLevelIL returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(exprs[i]) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(exprs) return result
[docs] def get_label(self, label_idx: int) -> Optional[HighLevelILInstruction]: result = core.BNGetHighLevelILExprIndexForLabel(self.handle, label_idx) if result >= core.BNGetHighLevelILExprCount(self.handle): return None return HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, ExpressionIndex(result))
[docs] def get_label_uses(self, label_idx: int) -> List[HighLevelILInstruction]: count = ctypes.c_ulonglong() uses = core.BNGetHighLevelILUsesForLabel(self.handle, label_idx, count) assert uses is not None, "core.BNGetHighLevelILUsesForLabel returned None" result = [] for i in range(0, count.value): result.append(HighLevelILInstruction.create(self, uses[i])) core.BNFreeILInstructionList(uses) return result
[docs] def get_expr_type(self, expr_index: int) -> Optional['types.Type']: """ Get type of expression :param int expr_index: index of the expression to retrieve :rtype: Optional['types.Type'] """ result = core.BNGetHighLevelILExprType(self.handle, expr_index) if result.type: platform = None if self.source_function: platform = self.source_function.platform return types.Type.create( result.type, platform=platform, confidence=result.confidence ) return None
[docs] def set_expr_type(self, expr_index: int, expr_type: StringOrType) -> None: """ Set type of expression This API is only meant for workflows or for debugging purposes, since the changes they make are not persistent and get lost after a database save and reload. To make persistent changes to the analysis, one should use other APIs to, for example, change the type of variables. The analysis will then propagate the type of the variable and update the type of related expressions. :param int expr_index: index of the expression to set :param StringOrType: new type of the expression """ if isinstance(expr_type, str): (expr_type, _) = self.view.parse_type_string(expr_type) tc = expr_type._to_core_struct() core.BNSetHighLevelILExprType(self.handle, expr_index, tc)
[docs] class HighLevelILBasicBlock(basicblock.BasicBlock): """ The ``HighLevelILBasicBlock`` object is returned during analysis and should not be directly instantiated. """ def __init__( self, handle: core.BNBasicBlockHandle, owner: HighLevelILFunction, view: Optional['binaryview.BinaryView'] ): super(HighLevelILBasicBlock, self).__init__(handle, view) self._il_function = owner def __iter__(self) -> Generator[HighLevelILInstruction, None, None]: for idx in range(self.start, self.end): yield self.il_function[idx] @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> 'HighLevelILInstruction': ... @overload def __getitem__(self, idx: slice) -> List['HighLevelILInstruction']: ... def __getitem__(self, idx: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[List[HighLevelILInstruction], HighLevelILInstruction]: size = self.end - self.start if isinstance(idx, slice): return [self[index] for index in range(*idx.indices(size))] # type: ignore if idx > size or idx < -size: raise IndexError("list index is out of range") if idx >= 0: return self.il_function[idx + self.start] else: return self.il_function[self.end + idx] def _create_instance(self, handle: core.BNBasicBlockHandle): """Internal method by super to instantiate child instances""" return HighLevelILBasicBlock(handle, self.il_function, self.view) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.end, self.il_function)) def __contains__(self, instruction): if not isinstance(instruction, HighLevelILInstruction) or instruction.il_basic_block != self: return False if self.start <= instruction.instr_index <= self.end: return True else: return False def __repr__(self): arch = self.arch if arch: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {}@{self.start}-{self.end}>" else: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.start}-{self.end}>" @property def instruction_count(self) -> int: return self.end - self.start @property def il_function(self) -> HighLevelILFunction: return self._il_function