Source code for binaryninja.enterprise

.. note: This module is only available in the Enterprise edition of Binary Ninja.

import ctypes
import os
from time import gmtime
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional

import binaryninja._binaryninjacore as core
import binaryninja

from . import decorators
from . import deprecation

if core.BNGetProduct() != "Binary Ninja Enterprise Client":
	# None of these functions exist on other builds, so just raise here to notify anyone who tries to use this
	raise RuntimeError("Cannot use Binary Ninja Enterprise client functionality with a non-Enterprise client.")

[docs] def is_initialized() -> bool: """ Determine if the Enterprise Client has been initialized yet. :return: True if :py:func:`initialize` has been called """ return core.BNIsEnterpriseServerInitialized()
[docs] def initialize(): """ Initialize the Enterprise Client """ if not core.BNInitializeEnterpriseServer(): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def connect(): """ Connect to the Enterprise Server. """ if not core.BNConnectEnterpriseServer(): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def is_connected() -> bool: """ Determine if the Enterprise Server is currently connected. :return: True if connected """ return core.BNIsEnterpriseServerConnected()
[docs] def authenticate_with_credentials(username: str, password: str, remember: bool = True): """ Authenticate to the Enterprise Server with username/password credentials. :param str username: Username to use. :param str password: Password to use. :param bool remember: Remember token in keychain """ if not is_connected(): connect() if not core.BNAuthenticateEnterpriseServerWithCredentials(username, password, remember): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def authenticate_with_method(method: str, remember: bool = True): """ Authenticate to the Enterprise Server with a non-password method. Note that many of these will open a URL for a browser-based login prompt, which may not be usable on headless installations. See :func:`authentication_methods` for a list of accepted methods. :param str method: Name of method to use. :param bool remember: Remember token in keychain """ if not is_connected(): connect() if not core.BNAuthenticateEnterpriseServerWithMethod(method, remember): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def authentication_methods() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ Get a list of authentication methods accepted by the Enterprise Server. :return: List of (<method name>, <method display name>) tuples """ if not is_connected(): connect() methods = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)() names = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)() count = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerAuthenticationMethods(methods, names) results = [] for i in range(count): results.append((core.pyNativeStr(methods[i]), core.pyNativeStr(names[i]))) core.BNFreeStringList(methods, count) core.BNFreeStringList(names, count) return results
[docs] def deauthenticate(): """ Deauthenticate from the Enterprise server, clearing any cached credentials. """ if not is_connected(): raise RuntimeError("Not connected but calling deauthenticate. This is likely an error in your script!") if not core.BNDeauthenticateEnterpriseServer(): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def cancel_authentication(): """ Cancel a call to :func:`authenticate_with_credentials` or :func:`authenticate_with_method`. Note those functions are blocking, so this must be called on a separate thread. """ core.BNCancelEnterpriseServerAuthentication()
[docs] def is_authenticated() -> bool: """ Determine if you have authenticated to the Enterprise Server. :return: True if you are authenticated """ return core.BNIsEnterpriseServerAuthenticated()
[docs] def username() -> Optional[str]: """ Get the username of the currently authenticated user to the Enterprise Server. :return: Username, if authenticated. None, otherwise. """ value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerUsername() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def token() -> Optional[str]: """ Get the token of the currently authenticated user to the Enterprise Server. :return: Token, if authenticated. None, otherwise. """ value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerToken() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def server_url() -> str: """ Get the url of the Enterprise Server. :return: The current url """ value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerUrl() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def set_server_url(url: str): """ Set the url of the Enterprise Server. .. note:: This will raise an Exception if the server is already initialized :param url: New Enterprise Server url """ if not core.BNSetEnterpriseServerUrl(url): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def server_name() -> str: """ Get the display name of the server :return: Display name of the server """ if not is_connected(): connect() value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerName() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def server_id() -> str: """ Get the internal id of the server :return: Id of the server """ if not is_connected(): connect() value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerId() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def server_version() -> int: """ Get the version number of the server :return: Version of the server """ if not is_connected(): connect() value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerVersion() if value == 0: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def server_build_id() -> str: """ Get the build id string of the server :return: Build id of the server """ if not is_connected(): connect() value = core.BNGetEnterpriseServerBuildId() if value is None: raise RuntimeError(last_error()) return value
[docs] def reservation_time_limit() -> int: """ Get the maximum checkout duration allowed by the Enterprise Server. .. note:: You must authenticate with the Enterprise Server before calling this. :return: Duration, in seconds, of the maximum time you are allowed to checkout a license. """ return core.BNGetEnterpriseServerReservationTimeLimit()
[docs] def update_license(duration, _cache=True): """ Acquire or refresh a floating license from the Enterprise server. .. note:: You must authenticate with the Enterprise server before calling this. :param int duration: Desired length of license checkout, in seconds. :param bool _cache: Deprecated but left in for compatibility """ if not core.BNUpdateEnterpriseServerLicense(duration): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def release_license(): """ Release the currently checked out license back to the Enterprise Server. .. note:: You must authenticate with the Enterprise Server before calling this. .. note:: This will deactivate the Binary Ninja Enterprise client. You must call :func:`acquire_license` \ again to continue using Binary Ninja Enterprise in the current process. """ if not core.BNReleaseEnterpriseServerLicense(): raise RuntimeError(last_error())
[docs] def license_expiration_time() -> int: """ Get the expiry time of the current license checkout. :return: Expiry time as a Unix epoch, or 0 if no license is checked out. """ return core.BNGetEnterpriseServerLicenseExpirationTime()
[docs] def license_duration() -> int: """ Get the duration of the current license checkout. :return: Duration, in seconds, of the total time of the current checkout. """ return core.BNGetEnterpriseServerLicenseDuration()
[docs] def is_floating_license() -> bool: """ Determine if a floating license is currently active :return: True if a floating license is active """ return core.BNIsEnterpriseServerFloatingLicense()
[docs] def is_license_still_activated() -> bool: """ Determine if your current license checkout is still valid. :return: True if your current checkout is still valid. """ return core.BNIsEnterpriseServerLicenseStillActivated()
[docs] def last_error() -> str: """ Get a text representation the last error encountered by the Enterprise Client :return: Last error message, or empty string if there is none. """ return core.BNGetEnterpriseServerLastError()
[docs] @decorators.enterprise class LicenseCheckout: """ Helper class for scripts to make use of a license checkout in a scope. :param duration: Duration between refreshes :param _cache: Deprecated but left in for compatibility :param release: If the license should be released at the end of scope. If `False`, you can either manually release it later or it will expire after `duration`. :Example: >>> enterprise.connect() >>> enterprise.authenticate_with_credentials("username", "password") >>> with enterprise.LicenseCheckout(): ... # Do some operation ... with load("/bin/ls") as bv: # e.g. ... print(hex(bv.start)) # License is released at end of scope """ def __init__(self, duration=900, _cache=True, release=True): """ Get a new license checkout :param duration: Duration between refreshes :param _cache: Deprecated but left in for compatibility :param release: If the license should be released at the end of scope. If `False`, you can either manually release it later or it will expire after `duration`. """ self.desired_duration = duration self.acquired_license = False self.desired_release = release def __del__(self): self.release() def __enter__(self) -> None: self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.release()
[docs] def acquire(self): # UI builds have their own license manager if binaryninja.core_ui_enabled(): return if not is_initialized(): try: initialize() except: # Named/computer licenses don't need this flow at all if not is_floating_license(): return # Floating licenses though, this is an error. Probably the error # for needing to set enterprise.server.url in settings.json raise if not is_floating_license(): return if not is_connected(): connect() got_auth = False if not is_authenticated(): try: # Try Keychain authenticate_with_method("Keychain", False) got_auth = True except RuntimeError: pass if not got_auth and \ os.environ.get('BN_ENTERPRISE_USERNAME') is not None and \ os.environ.get('BN_ENTERPRISE_PASSWORD') is not None: try: authenticate_with_credentials(os.environ['BN_ENTERPRISE_USERNAME'], os.environ['BN_ENTERPRISE_PASSWORD']) got_auth = True except RuntimeError: pass if not got_auth: raise RuntimeError( "Could not checkout a license: Not authenticated. Try one of the following: \n" " - Log in and check out a license for an extended time\n" " - Set BN_ENTERPRISE_USERNAME and BN_ENTERPRISE_PASSWORD environment variables\n" " - Use binaryninja.enterprise.authenticate_with_credentials or authenticate_with_method in your code" ) # Keychain auth can activate a license if we have one in the keychain # If we have an expired named license, try to get a fresh floating one if not is_license_still_activated() or (not is_floating_license() and binaryninja.core_expires() < gmtime()): update_license(self.desired_duration) self.acquired_license = True
[docs] def release(self): # UI builds have their own license manager if binaryninja.core_ui_enabled(): return # Don't release if we got one from keychain if self.acquired_license and self.desired_release: release_license() self.acquired_license = False